Date of last edit: November 27, 2001
The following timeline is a compilation of
material from a variety of sources, the majority found on the Internet. The accuracy of the information is generally
acceptable, but I’m sure there are some odd bits that are wrong. Please recognize that the majority of work
published on the Internet is pretty far removed from primary source material,
just like this document. The use of
divergent sources also means that some of the information reads with different
grammar from spot to spot in this document.
I have not tried to edit these entries to one common style. The intent of this is simply to create a
framework of information regarding the service of various Georgia Continental
Line and militia units during the course of the Revolution, to record sundry
contemporary information which would effect Georgia units, and to place people
and events accurately in time.
This should be especially useful in determining
the uniforms and equipment necessary to create a plausible impression of a
particular person or unit. There being
little concrete information regarding the equipping of the Georgia Continental
units, the best we have right now is the knowledge that at least one company in
the 4th Georgia Regiment did have white trimmed blue regimental coats with
French-style pewter numerical buttons in April of 1779. The use of the Washington’s “General Order
uniform” of blue with blue facings by any Georgia unit before the fall of
Charleston is highly unlikely (except as a coincidence), since this order was
promulgated on 2 October, 1779 and Charleston fell only a few months
later. Afterwards, the Georgia
regiments were consolidated and it is possible they were issued new uniforms,
but this has not been found out yet.
Likewise, the drill of von Steuben came only a few months prior to the
fall of Savannah and Charlestown, and it would be unlikely that all of the
Georgia units would have been familiar with it. One thing that should be noted is that the vast majority of the
military actions in Georgia were conducted by militia, not Continental Line
units, so the emphasis placed on Continental units is a bit out of character
with their overall contribution to the progress of the war.
The sources mentioned often call the same military
action or incident by several different titles, such as “Battle of...” or
“Engagement at..” “Siege...” etc. Often
the term “battle” was applied to anything from the ambush of a militia scout
party by a cow to full-scale combat by thousands of troops. Generally,
I have adopted “engagement” for any action that looks to have been
minor, and I base my definition of minor on how much information can be found
out about it. Little information=
“Engagement;” Lots of information= “Battle.”
As more information is gathered, the timeline will
be updated. Also note, the individual
entries are not footnoted in the proper academic style. If we have posted anything for which the
copyright holders would prefer a more detailed citation, we will be happy to
correct the entry. Although I have
edited all these items together into one list, THE GEORGIA REFUGEES do not
claim authorship for the individual items in the list. If you do choose to copy or refer to the
timeline in another document, please do so by continuing to give credit to the
individual copyright holders. When you
find errors, please let me know so I can fix our copy.
Thanks to all for your insight and assistance in
this effort.
Terry Oglesby
The Augusta Chronicle Website
The Continental Army, by Robert K. Wright Jr. published by The Center of
Military History U.S. Army, Washington DC 1989
First New Hampshire Regiment Website
French Volunteers in the American Revolution
Georgia’s Roster of the Revolution, by L.L. Knight, Genealogical Publishing Company,
Baltimore 1967
Glynn County, Georgia, History Website Short
North Georgia History Website
Patrick J., 2nd Regiment of the North Carolina Line
, entries for 1 March, 1776 and 12-13 May, 1776—Engagements at Cockspur Island
and 25 March, 1776— Engagement at Tybee Island copied with permission from
Revlist postings titled “225 Years Ago in Georgia.” Also provided a portion of the April 1781 Engagement at Wiggan’s
(Wiggin’s) Hill, along with Kim Stacy.
Patrick will be releasing a book in the Summer of 2001 tentatively
titled “Nothing but Blood and Slaughter”
Military Operations and Order of Battle of the Revolutionary War in the
Carolinas 1775-1782 containing
these and other dated entries about the multitude of battle fought in the
Carolinas and Georgia.
Post, Todd, , 2d Virginia Regiment
, entry for 21-23 May, 1782—Engagement at Ogeechee Ferry and Ogeechee Road
(Browne’s Defeat, Harris’s Bridge)
Revolutionary memoirs and muster rolls / transcribed and edited by Mary Bondurant
Warren. Heritage Papers, Athens, GA., 1994.
Revolutionary records of the State of Georgia, The, compiled and published under authority of the
Legislature by Allen D. Chandler, The Franklin-Turner Company, 1908
Revolutionary War Website
of Contents
Kim, 84th Regiment of Foot,
, entry for April 1781—Engagement at Wiggan’s (Wiggin’s) Hill.
“The Use of Regimental Type Buttons in the
Continental Army (1775-1783)” E.B. Bower
Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia began 1775
without significant British garrisons. They were under British governors, however,
and regular troops were nearby in Florida. Like their northern neighbors, the
southern colonies soon replaced their Royal governments with new political
bodies. The new governments raised troops as soon as the deposed governors
posed a military or naval threat. Because these early colonial efforts were
undertaken with minimal supervision by the Continental Congress, a diversity of
regimental organizations emerged. That diversity was wider in the south than it
had been in New England and New York because the southern colonies were less
homogeneous and had accumulated more varied experiences in the colonial wars.
9 July—Engagement at Cockspur Island
10 July—Habersham and Bowen capture armed British
schooner for Georgia
November—GEORGIA REGIMENT (GA RGT) authorized in the Continental Army
and assigned to the Southern Department.
The regiment was to consist of a total strength of 728 men in 8
companies, with each company having one captain, two lieutenants, one ensign,
four serjeants, 4 corporals, two drummers or fifers, and 76 privates.
In a letter dated 10 May, 1790, Henry Knox reports
to Congress a complete accounting of the amount of Continental Line troops
serving in Georgia, along with an estimate of the number of state and militia
forces. For the year 1775, no
Continental troops served in Georgia units, and there were estimated to be 1000
militia members, who had signed for 9 months of service. These figures from
Knox’s letter will be shown at the end of each year in the following timeline.
and 2d TROOPS OF GEORGIA HORSE (GA Horse) authorized in the Georgia State Troops
January—Georgia Provincial Congress Council of Safety authorizes order for 400 stand
of arms with bayonets, 20,000 pounds of gunpowder, 60,000 pounds of ball,
bullets, bar lead, grape, swan and goose shot. It is not noted if this materiel is intended for militia, state,
or Continental use.
January—Council of Safety orders the confiscation of firearms and powder from
all overseers and negroes in the Province (the exception being overseers, who
were allowed to retain one gun and 13 cartridges).
January-28 April—GA RGT organized at Savannah to consist of eight companies
like North Carolina, waited for congressional support before risking military
action. It had only 3,000 males of military age and was the most exposed
colony. When Congress authorized South Carolina’s three regiments on 4 November
1775, it also directed Georgia to raise a standard infantry regiment. Because
communications with the colony took so long, its Provincial Congress was
allowed to appoint all officers, not just those of company-grade. After
factions within the Provincial Congress fought for control of the regiment, a
compromise gave command to Lachlan McIntosh, the leader of the Scottish element
in the colony. Two representatives of the Savannah mercantile interests were
named as the other field officers. Most of the company positions went to sons
of the planters who constituted the “Country Party.” The Provincial Congress
and the state government that succeeded it caused continual troubles for senior
Continental officers by asserting a right to retain an interest in the
regiment’s affairs.
February—Georgia Provincial Congress elects officers for GA RGT:
McIntosh, Colonel; Samuel Elbert, Lt. Col.; Joseph Habersham, Major; 1st
Company: Francis Henry Harris,
Capt.; John Habersham,1st Lt.; John Jenkins, 2nd Lt.; John Rice, Ens.; 2nd
Company: Oliver Bowen, Capt.;
George Henley, 1st Lt.; John Berrier, 2nd Lt.;Ensign not named; 3rd Company:
John McIntosh, Capt.; Lachlan McIntosh, 1st Lt.; Francis Arthur, 2nd Lt.; John
Morrison, Ens.; 4th Company: Arthur Curney, Capt.; Benjamin Odinsell,
1st Lt.; John Emon, 2nd Lt.; Delaplaine John Nilton, Ens.; 5th Company:
Thomas Chisolm, Capt.; Caleb Howell, 1st Lt.; Daniel Cuthbert, 2nd Lt.; William
McIntosh, Ens.; 6th Company: John Green, Capt.; Ignatius Few, 1st Lt.;
2nd Lt. and Ensign not named; 7th Company: Chesley Bostick, Capt.; John
Martin, 1st Lt.; 2nd Lt. and Ensign not named; 8th Company (Rifle):
Jacob Colson, Capt.; Shadrach Wright, 1st Lt.; George Walton, 2nd Lt.; Ensign
not named.
began raising the regiment in February 1776, arming one of the companies with
rifles. He correctly anticipated that limited resources would hamper his
efforts: two months later the regiment had reached only half strength. Maj.
Gen. Charles Lee supported the colony’s efforts to have Congress raise six
additional regiments elsewhere and to station them in Georgia. Before this
recommendation arrived, Congress voted to have Georgia raise two additional
regiments (one of which was to be composed of riflemen) and two artillery
companies to garrison Savannah and Sunbury.
at Fort Dartmouth
February—GA RGT assigned to the Southern Department
the Carolinas, and Georgia became the Southern Department. New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland joined New York as Schuyler’s Middle
Department. Three days later Congress placed Charles Lee in command of the
former and elected six new brigadier generals as subordinate commanders for the
new departments. John Armstrong of
Pennsylvania, Andrew Lewis of Virginia, and North Carolina’s James Moore and
Robert Howe went to the Southern Department, while William Thompson of
Pennsylvania and Lord Stirling of New Jersey became Schuyler’s subordinates.
March—Engagement at Cockspur Island
the early part of 1776 the Georgia Patriots occupied Savannah and erected two
18-pounders on a bluff that was 40 feet high. Any ship coming near them would
be raked with artillery fire. They also sunk a vessel in the narrow part of the
channel leading to Savannah, which prevented any large force from going to the
town. When the Georgia Council of
Safety had placed him under house arrest the Georgia Royal Governor escaped and
took refuge aboard the British man of war Scarborough. At Savannah were twenty
British merchant ships full of rice that had been captured by the Patriots. If
these ships could be recaptured they would be able to supply the British army
in Boston. On March 1st, British marines landed on Cockspur Island in their
first step to capturing the rice ships. The Marines skirmished with American
militia there. The Americans had one wounded and the Marines had four wounded.
March—Battle of the Rice Boats (Battle of Yamacraw Bluffs) (Militia action)
the end of 1775, James Wright was powerless to stop the rebellious faction in
the Georgia House. In early 1776 a
portion of the British fleet arrived at Cockspur Island to buy provisions.
Urging the radical Council of Safety to permit the fleet to purchase the
provisions, Royal Governor Wright and others were detained, effectively ending
royal rule in the state.
additional vessels and troops arrived off the Port of Savannah. Wright boarded a ship, along with almost all
his Loyalist advisors. Further north a
group of boats containing rice were the target of a British attack on March 2,
1776. The Council of Safety reacted
quickly, ordering the local militia to set boats on fire and drive the British
away. The Inverness, loaded with
rice and deerskins, was fired and cut loose, drifting into the brig Nelly. As some 500 Whigs from South Carolina joined
the 600 Georgia rebels, the two ships drifted downstream, setting three more
ships on fire. Governor Wright barely escaped. (Wright’s description of the
action was significantly different.)
March—Engagement at Hutchinson’s Island
March—Engagement at Tybee Island
A raiding party of Georgia
militia and Creek Indians under the command of Archibald Bullock attacked
twelve British Marines on Tybee Island.
The Marines had been sent to the island, with twelve slaves, to cut wood
and get water. The Americans struck
quickly killing one, wounding two and capturing one of the Marines and the 12
slaves. The Creek Indians with the
Georgia militia scalped three of the Marines.
The Royal Navy ships near the island fired three broadsides at the
Americans while they sent a landing party on shore. The Americans kept up constant rifle fire forcing the British to
move out of range. The Georgians also
burned two houses on the island.
Shortly after this, all but two of the British vessels left the Savannah
April—McIntosh writes Washington and informs him that the enlistment bounty has
been raised to $8 from $6, but that the regiment is still not at full strength. McIntosh also reports that the troops have
still not been issued arms or uniforms.
Strength return lists 8 captains, 15 lieutenants, 4 ensigns, 24
serjeants, 17 corporals, 5 drummers, 2 fifers, and 236 privates.
Horse organized at Savannah
May—Engagement at Cockspur Island
11 o’clock on May 12 a raiding party of Georgians attacked the British post on
Cockspur Island. They attempted to
capture “a White Man a Pilot & some Negroes.” They were discovered approaching the post and one of the raiders
was killed. The Americans withdrew to
their boat. The Royal Sloops of War Raven
and the Cherokee sent sailors in three boats to the west end of the
island to cut off any escape. The
British sailors captured a boat and three of the raiders. The prisoners told the British of an armed
schooner that was waiting for them up the Savannah River at 4 Mile Point.
one in the morning on May 13 the sailors from the Raven and Cherokee
sailed up the Savannah River in a pinnace and two boats. Two other boats were assigned to guard
Cockspur Island while they were conducting their attack. The British sailor easily captured the armed
schooner. Captain John Brown had
commanded the American schooner and had 8 men on board. In addition to the 8 man crew there was the
1 man killed from the raid and 3 others wounded. On board the schooner were 6 swivel guns and 6 organs. An organ was described in the 1769 Falconer
Marine Dictionary as “sometimes used in a sea-fight by privateers: it contains
several barrels of small arms, fixed upon one stock, so as to be all fired
together.” (This may had been an early
version of the Nock Volley gun issued to the British in 1780.) The schooner was sailed back to Cockspur
Island. At 11 o’clock the British
captured three other men from the raid on the island the day before.
Georgia State Troops
Horse expanded in to consist of the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th TROOPS OF GEORGIA
July—Declaration of Independence
July—GA RGT redesignated as the 1st GEORGIA REGIMENT (1st GA)
authorized in the Continental Army and assigned to the Southern Department
July—GA Horse adopted into the Continental Army; concurrently redesignated as
the GEORGIA REGIMENT OF HORSE RANGERS (GA RGR), assigned to the Southern
Department, and expanded to consist of ten troops
August—Declaration of Independence publicly read in Savannah by Archibald
May 1777—First Florida Expedition; Georgia south of Ossawba Sound; East
First Florida Expedition departed in
August, 1776, shortly after word of the Declaration reached the state of
Georgia. The expeditionary forces built
a line of forts between Georgia and Florida, including Forts Howe and McIntosh,
and additional forts at Darien and Beard’s Bluff. Indians attacked a detachment of men while on the way to Beard’s
Bluff. Commander John Baker later is
betrayed by two guards who steal the expedition’s horses and leave the
Americans unprotected in the swamps of south Georgia. One of these guards,
Daniel McGirth, will become “noted” for a career of rape and murder.
September—Continental Congress issues “88 Battalion Resolve” setting regimental
quotas for states
states of the lower south had the easiest time adjusting to the new quotas
because their regiments remained in their home states as the Southern
Department’s primary combat forces. Georgia did not reduce its force to the
single regiment of the 16 September quota but retained the four infantry and
one ranger units authorized during July 1776. The Rangers and the 1st Georgia
Regiment lost strength during the spring as original enlistments expired, but
the 2d and 3d reached operational strength through extensive recruiting in North
Carolina and Virginia. The 4th Georgia Regiment kept enlisting men from as far
away as Pennsylvania into October 1777.
of First Florida Expedition
GA organized at Williamsburg, Virginia, to consist of eight companies, recruited
primarily in Virginia; 3d GA organized at Savannah to consist of eight
companies, recruited primarily in North Carolina; 1st GA ARTY organized at
Savannah; 2d GA ARTY organized at Sunbury.
Knox’s letter of 1790 (hereafter “Knox”), 351 troops of Continentals, 750
militia members, and 1,200 state troops served in the year 1776.
1 January—GA RGR reorganized to consist of twelve
2 January—Engagement at Sapello Inlet
29 January—Engagement at Augusta
1 February—4th GEORGIA REGIMENT (4th GA)
authorized in the Continental Army and
assigned to the Southern Department
2-4 February—Engagement at Fort McIntosh
6 February—GA PROV ARTY adopted into the
Continental Army and redesignated as the 3d GEORGIA CONTINENTAL ARTILLERY
COMPANY (3d GA ARTY) and assigned to the Southern Department.
17 February—Continental Congress begins ordering
ready made uniforms from France, through the Secret Committee. A contract dated
Aug 6, 1777 is issued for 5,000 uniform coats in blue or brown, both faced with
red and lined in white.
23 February-15 March—Engagements at
Fort McIntosh on the Sautilla
March—The brig Mercury arrives at
Portsmouth, New Hampshire with 364 cases of arms, 11,000 gun flints, and 1,000
barrels of Levoisier powder. This
wealth of materiel had been exported from France by the shadow company Roderigue
Hortalez et Cie. The fictitious
trading company was operated by Caron de Beaumarchais, and through it France,
and to a lesser extent, Spain secretly sent arms and materiel to the American
insurgents. Based in Paris, but
operated out of St. Eustatia in the Dutch Antilles, the Bourbon Kings of Spain
and France each provided one million livres to start the company in May
of 1776, six weeks before the Declaration of Independence. The ships from St.
Eustatia debarked to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Charleston, South Carolina, and New Orleans in the Spanish Province of
Louisiana. From New Orleans, supplies
were sailed up the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.
April—200 artillery pieces and 100,000 1763 French
Charleville muskets arrive in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
April—Second Florida Expedition departs
By 1777, the Whig government in Georgia began to
factionalize. The conservatives, known as
“town Whigs,” are led by Lachlan McIntosh and his brother George. The radicals, known as “country Whigs,” are
led by Button Gwinnett. In this
climate of acrimony, a Second Florida Expedition is authorized to leave for
Florida in mid-April, 1777. When the
expedition elected McIntosh to be its leader, a series of events was set in
motion that eventually lead to the death of Gwinnett. Colonel Samuel Ebert is placed in command of the force after the
Gwinnett and McIntosh return to Savannah to settle their bitter dispute. The expedition returned in late May, finding
Gwinnett had died from gangrene, the result of bullet wound in his leg suffered
during a duel with McIntosh.
4 May—Engagement at Altamaha River
26 May—Second Florida Expedition returns
July—Engagement at Wilkes County
22 July—Engagement at Oconee River
is a deposition given against John Cunningham by Isham Ward regarding the
action at the Oconee River. The person
receiving the deposition is not named.
Source: Revolutionary Memoirs and Muster Rolls, Mary Bondurant
Warren, ed. 1994, Heritage Papers, Athens, Georgia
Wilkes County
appeared before me Isham Ward, & being of full age was Duly sworn and
Declareth that on Tuesday the 22 of July last About seven o’clock in the
morning Capt. Thomas Dooley [sic, Dooly] of the 3rd Battalion of foot for the
state with three men and Lieut. John Cunningham of the 2nd Battalion of foot
with Seventeen Men where attacked and fired on by a party of Indians a few
miles off the Oconey [sic] River.
Capt. Dooley and his Men were in the front when the Attack began Lieut.
Cunningham and his men in the rear. That after about two shots being Exchanged
from the Whites he the Deponent saw Lieut. Cunningham at the head of about 4
Men running off and at the same time he the Deponent Saw some person who he
Expected was an Officer Say Boys make Your Escape upon which Capt Dooley
Discovering to the men in Loud words by no Means not to Leave him.
Deponent further Saith that he thinks on the first fire Capt. Dooley Received a
wound which he thinks Disabled him so much as not to Stand as he the Deponent saw Capt. Dooley twice fire in a
Sitting posture on the Ground.
Deponent further Saith that Capt. Dooley Calling to Lieut. Cunningham & the
first party that was Running Availed
Nothing, but that they still continued Running upon which the Whites Continued
to retreat until this Deponent saith he thinks there was not more than seven or
Eight White men Left on the Ground upon which the Deponent made his Escape and
further Saith not—
Isham Ward
Sworn to before me
this 11th August (1777)
The following letters
are from the Order Book of Colonel Samuel Elbert, commander of the 2d Regiment:
General McIntosh)
9th September, 1777.
Sir: I wrote you pr return Sikes &
a few lines by Lieut. Bilbo since which I have not heard from you. I am just returned from visiting the Forts
on the western Frontiers but could find no signs of any Indians near them; they
are crowded with the inhabitants who have not yet returned to their habitations
which they quit at the late alarm when Capt. Dooly and others were killed. Inclosed [sic] are some papers respecting
Lieut. Cunningham, who I begin to think behaved better in the action than was
at first represented; he remains under arrest at Wrightsborough. Captain Dooley [sic] & Pannell with
Lieut. Booker are now prisoners with me on their parole; you will please pr.
return of the bearer, give me positive order what to do with them. I am in hopes the matter may be overlooked
as the Indians are by this safe in their own Nation & the gentlemen very
sensible of their error in what has been done.
Poor Dooley had lost a brother; Pannell went as a piece [sic] maker to
prevent mischief. Booker & Bilbo,
two giddy young men—in fact I think the end answered in putting them under
arrest, as it please.
half of my regiment are now sick in Wrightsborough, the most of them on the
recovery, those fit for duty are disposed of as under. Mrs. Elbert being in a situation which
requires her being in Savannah the latter end of this month, I hope you will
find it convenient to let me return there shortly. I suppose Colo. Stirk waits your orders; I will be obliged to you
to let him have them. I wish you happy,
& am, dr. General.
most obedt. servt.
After Orders.
Headquarters, 13th
Oct., 1777.
The general court-martial of which Colo. Habersham
was president is approved & dissolved; the court having made the most
strict inquiry into the conduct of Lieut. Cunningham of the 2d Battalion
respecting the charge brought against him of cowardice in a late skirmish with
the enemy, and after examining several witnesses on the occasion, report as
their opinion “that Lieut. Cunningham acquitted himself in the said engagement
with the honor & valor becoming an officer.” The commanding officer is happy in agreeing with the above report
& orders that Lieut. Cunningham immediately joins his regiment. Andrew Hays, William Asbey and John Asbey of
the Light Horse, John Wright of the Artillery, & Thomas Hodge of the 2d
Battalion are ordered to receive the punishment to which they were severally
sentenced by the court, this afternoon on the parade, in the presence of all
the Continental Troops in town to be drawn out on the occasion; those who
belong to the corps having no person present are to be kept in confinement till
they can be delivered to the care of their proper officers. Thomas Dunivant, Michael Hugen & Sergt.
Gore to be severely reprimanded and discharged.
Summer/Fall—4th GA organized at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to consist of
eight companies, recruited primarily in Pennsylvania
23 December—1st GA, 2d GA, 3d GA, 4th GA assigned
to the Georgia Brigade, an element of the Southern Department
Per Knox, 1,423 Continentals and 750 militia in
service for year 1777.
6 January—France allies with the United States
19 February—1st GA ARTY and 3d GA ARTY
consolidated and redesignated as 1st GA ARTY.
6 April—Third Florida Expedition departs
In April 1778, a group of 500 Tories moved through
South Carolina and Georgia, destroying property and killing Loyalists. A Third
Florida Expedition is planned when word of a definite invasion from the Florida
stronghold reaches Georgia. Colonel
Elbert moved out on April 6, 1778, shortly capturing the British vessels Hinchinbrooke
and Rebecca, which may have been supporting the Loyalist movement.
This expedition has no lack of leaders, among them
Robert Howe, Governor John Houstoun, Colonel Andrew Williamson and Commodore
Oliver Bowen, each of whom, essentially, refused to take orders from the
others. When the Florida Rangers retreated as the expedition approached, Howe
and Bowen turned back, and Houstoun and Williamson were forced to follow
because they did not feel they could take on the Rangers by themselves.
23 April—From the South Carolina and American
General Gazette
N, April 23, 1778
This afternoon an express arrived here from
Savannah, by the whom the following advices were received.
Copy of a Letter from Col. Elbert to Major General
Howe, at Savannah.
Dear General, Frederica, April
19, 1778
I have the happiness to inform
you that about 10 o’clock this afternoon, the Brigantine Hinchinbrooke, the
Sloop Rebecca, and a prize brig, all struck the British Tyrant’s colors and
surrendered to the American arms. Having received intelligence that the above
vessels were at this place, I put about three hundred men, by detachment from
the troops under my command at Fort Howe, on board the three gallies——the
Washington, Capt. Hardy; the Lee, Capt Braddock; and the Bulloch, Capt.
Hatcher; and a detachment of artillery with a field piece, under Capt. Young, I
put on board a boat. With this little army, we embarked at Darien, and last
evening effected a landing at a bluff about a mile below the town; leaving Col.
White on board the Lee, Capt. Melvin on board the Washington, and Lieut. Petty
on board the Bulloch, each with a sufficient party of troops.
Immediately on Landing, I dispatched
Lieut. Col. Ray and Major Roberts, with about 100 men, who marched directly up
to the town, and made prisoners three marines and two sailors belonging to the
Hinchinbrooke. It being late, the gallies did not engage until this morning.
You must imagine what my feelings
were, to see our three little men of war going to the attack of these three
vessels, who have spread terror on our coast, and who were drawn up in order of
battle; but the weight of our metal soon damped the courage of these heroes,
who soon took to their boats; and, as many as could, abandoned the vessels with
everything on board, of which we immediately took possession.
What is extraordinary, we have not
one man hurt. Capt. Ellis [of the Hinchinbrooke] is drowned, and Capt. Mowbry
[of the Rebecca] made his escape. As soon as I see Col. White, who has not yet
come to us with his prizes, I shall consult with him, the other three officers,
and the commanding officers of the galleys, on the expediency of attacking the
Galatea now lying off Jekyll. I send you this by Brigade Major Habersham, who
will inform you of the other particulars. I am. &c. SAMUEL ELBERT, Col.
22 June—Engagement at Ogeechee River
July—Third Florida Expedition returns
August—Engagement at Nail’s Fort, Wilkes County
November—Engagement at Nail’s Fort,
Wilkes County
19 November—Engagement at Bulltown Swamp,
Spencer’s Hill (outside Savannah)
24 November—Engagement at Medway Church
When in autumn two expeditions of regulars and
vindictive refugees were sent by the British Brigadier- General Augustine
Prevost from east Florida into Georgia, one Army was stopped at Sunbury, the
other at the Ogeechee. The latter on its return burned the church, almost every
dwelling-house in Medway, and all rice and other cereals within their reach;
and they brought off negroes, horses, cattle, and plate. Screven, an American
officer, beloved for his virtues, was killed after he became a prisoner.
25 November—Engagement at Spencer’s Hill
28 November-15 October, 1779, Georgia and South
Carolina. Operations relating to the British capture and defense of Savannah
and coastal South Carolina.
1 December—Engagement at Fort Morris
23 December—British force lands on Tybee Island
Henry Clinton, in charge of British troop in
America, is ordered to move to the South. Intelligence reports in Britain
indicated that both Georgia and South Carolina have a large Loyalist population
who will side with the British. However, to move meant Clinton would have to
reduce his manpower in the North, leaving his troops in the northern theater
vulnerable to attack by George Washington.
Clinton and his advisors come up with a plan, and
sent troops to Savannah. The troops from New York, under the command of Lt.
Colonel Archibald Campbell, arrived at Tybee Island on December 23, 1778, a
month later than scheduled. Forces from
St. Augustine under the command of Augustine Prevost joined them and together
they marched on Savannah.
28 December—Engagement at Salter’s
Island, Four Mile Point
29 December—British capture Savannah
Relying on the difficulties of the ground,
American General Robert Howe of North Carolina, with only 700 Continental Line
and local militiamen, made a feeble attempt to defend the city. The troops offered resistance to a
disciplined British corps, ably commanded, and more than three times as
numerous as his own; but, on the 29th December, a British party, guided by a
Negro (Quamino Dolly) through a swamp, made a simultaneous attack on the
Americans in front and rear, and drove them into a precipitate retreat. As the
British forces attacked, the local militias fled leaving the Continentals with
little alternative but retreat. With
troops in their rear, the American defense was broken. With the loss of well over 550 men (100
killed, 450 captured), and all the artillery, Howe was forced to retire into
South Carolina. With a loss of but nine
killed and 17 wounded, the British gained the capital of Georgia. British Lt.-Col. Archibald Campbell promised
protection to the inhabitants, but only on condition that “they would support
the royal government with their arms.” The captive soldiers, refusing to enlist
in the British service, were crowded on board prison-ships, to be swept away by
infection. Many civilians submitted; determined republicans found an asylum in
the western parts of the state.
29 December—Engagement at Brewton Hill
(Girardeau’s Plantation)
29 December1st GA ARTY captured by British forces
at Savannah
Per Knox, 673 Continentals, 1,200 state troops,
and 2,000 militia enlisted for 6 months in service for the year 1778.
1 January—Engagement at Zubly’s Ferry
6-10 January—British capture Sunbury
Before the American Revolution, the thriving
seaport of Sunbury, Georgia, rivaled nearby Savannah as Georgia’s cultural and
economic center. Historians record that per square foot, more famous Georgians
came from Sunbury than any other place in the American southeast. Yet today,
not a single original building of the old town remains.
9 January—Engagement at Fort Morris
10 January—2d GA ARTY captured by British forces
at Sunbury
26 January—Engagement at Burke County Jail
26 January—Engagement at Savannah River
30 January—Engagement at Fort Henderson (Spirit
31 January—Engagement at The Cupboard Swamp
31 January—British capture Augusta
Early in January 1779, British Brig.-Gen.
Augustine Prevost (British Commander in Florida) marched north on the “Old Post
Road” from Savannah, reducing Sunbury on the way to support British Lt. Col.
Archibald Campbell, who subsequently took possession of Augusta on 29 January. Augusta was a strategically important town
situated on the Savannah River. The province of Georgia appearing to be
restored to the crown.
3 February—Engagement at Augusta
February—Engagement at Kiokee Creek
9 February—Engagement at Middleton’s Ferry
9 February—Engagement at Brownsborough
10 February—Engagement at Van[n]’s Creek (Cherokee
8-10 February—Engagement at Carr’s Fort
14 February—British withdraw from Augusta
14 February—Battle of Kettle Creek (Militia
The backwoods of Georgia held challenges for the
British Army in Georgia. Many people in
Georgia were strongly anti-British, so when Colonel Boyd and 700 Loyalists set
up camp along Kettle Creek on February 14, 1779, they know to be prepared for
an attack. Only a couple of days before, on February 11, 100 Patriots attacked
them while crossing Van(n)’s Creek, in spite of being outnumbered.
Things were not going well for these
Loyalists. Boyd expected additional men
to assist in a strike against the Patriots. His men were not regulars and
dissension filled the ranks. Also, the skirmish at Vann’s Creek alerted
Colonels John Dooly and Andrew Pickens to the Loyalist’s presence in Wilkes
County. As was the custom, the Loyalist
sent scavengers out to find food. On
the morning of the battle, about 150 men are out searching for food when
Pickens attacks.
With a combined total of 340 men, the Patriots
attacked in three columns, with Col. Dooly on the right, Pickens in the middle
and Elijah Clarke, Dooly’s second in command on the left. A small advance guard
was sent in front of the columns to scout the enemy. Col. Pickens scouts surprised Boyd’s Loyalist sentries and opened
Alerted to the attack by the sound of gunfire,
Boyd rallied his men and advanced with a small group to the top of a nearby
hill, where they waited behind rocks and fallen trees for the Patriots. To the
left and right, the men under command of Dooly and Clarke had problems crossing
the high water of the creek and nearby swamps.
Pickens continued his advance to the fence on top
of the hill, where Boyd’s men awaited the advancing Americans. On the approach
of Pickens, the Loyalists opened fire. Clarke and Dooly, unable to advance
quickly through the cane, were helpless.
By all accounts, outnumbered and caught by surprise, the Patriots
appeared to be losing the battle.
After the successful ambush, Boyd ordered his men
to retreat to the camp by Kettle Creek then fell to the ground, having been
mortally wounded by a musket ball.
Seeing this, his troops panicked and an orderly withdrawal turned into a
nightmare for the 600 men under his command.
Pickens rallied and advanced his men toward the
Loyalist camp. At the same time,
Dooly’s men emerged from the swamp.
Surrounded on three fronts, with the creek to their back, about 450
Tories followed Boyd’s second in command, Major Spurgen, across Kettle Creek.
While the Loyalists crossed the creek, Lt. Col
Elijah Clarke emerged on the other side and charged with 50 men. The Loyalists fled,
soundly defeated.
Total losses in the battle: Loyalist— 40-70 dead,
70 captured; Patriots— 9 dead, 23 wounded.
The men who fled the battlefield eventually made their way back to
Wrightsville, although some were captured and hanged later that year. Pickens,
who became famous for his many battles in the Revolution would later write that
Kettle Creek was the “severest chastisement” for the Loyalists in South
Carolina and Georgia. Dooly was later brutally murdered by British army troops.
18 February—Engagement at Herbert’s Store
22 February—Engagement at Thomas’s Plantation
3 March—Battle of Brier (Briar) Creek (Militia
On the same day that Colonel Boyd was defeated at
Kettle Creek, and Colonel Archibald Campbell withdrew from Augusta, a large
force of North Carolina troops appeared across the river from the Augusta
outpost on the Georgia frontier. A
planned rendezvous with Campbell at Wrightsville by Boyd’s Loyalists led to the
capture of some of Boyd’s men when Colonel Campbell unexpectedly failed to show
The North Carolina patriots, under the command of
General John Ashe, smelled blood. With the victory at Kettle Creek, Ashe’s men
were are hot on the trail of Campbell’s loyalists. Unknown to Ashe, however, was that Campbell had received
reinforcements from Savannah under the command of General Augustine
Prevost. Together the British forces
totaled 2,300 men, although less than a thousand participated in the battle.
Camping at the confluence of Brier Creek and the
Savannah River, Ashe’s men were caught unaware by hundreds of handpicked
soldiers and loyalist militia on March 3, 1779. The Tories from North Carolina, along with their commander, Ashe,
fled. Only Colonel Samuel Elbert and
his Georgia militia remained.
Outnumbered and overpowered, the men defended the camp until almost all
were dead. The late afternoon action
ended at sunset, with the rebellion forces suffering a humiliating defeat.
Almost 400 Americans were killed or captured, while the British only lost 5
Elbert, who would eventually be elected governor
of Georgia, was captured and served time in a British prison until his release
in 1781.
March—Engagement at Fort Morgan
March—Engagement at Newsome’s Fort
20 March—Engagement at Abercorn Creek
21 March—Engagement at The Crossroads
(Beech Island)
22 March—Engagement at Rocky Comfort Creek
29 March—Continental Congress adopts “Regulations
For The Order And Discipline of The Troops of The United States” (von Steuben’s
Drill Manual)
23 April—South Carolina and American General
Gazette Deserter reported from the
4th GA wearing “....a blue coat, edged with white and pewter buttons with No. 4
on them...”
26 June—Engagement at Ogeechee Ferry
27 June—Engagement at Midway Meeting
28 June—Engagement at Hickory Hill (Butler’s
Plantation, Ogeechee Ferry)
July—Engagement at Wilkes County
21 July—Engagement at Savannah
2 August—Muster rolls for 1st GA, 3d GA, 4th GA
indicate combined strength of 73 privates, 41 non-commissioned officers,
drummers and fifers, and 44 commissioned officers, inclusive of deserters,
sick, and captured—the actual effective strength was 9 officers, 11
non-commissioned officers, 2 drummers, 1 fifer, and 18 privates:
A Muster Roll of the 1st Georgia Battallion of
Continental Troops Commanded by Col. Robert Rae. August, August the 2nd 1779
Robert Rae, Col. 1st April 1778, sick
Francis H. Harris, Lt. Col., Absent with leave
John Habersham, Major, Prisoner of War with the
George Handly, Capt., 30 October 1776, present
Lachlan McIntosh, Capt., 30 October 1776, present
Shadrick[Shadrach] Wright, Capt., Prisoner of War
on parole [not listed in Compiled Service Records]
Alexander D. Cuthbert, Capt., Prisoner of War with
the enemy
John Wilten, Capt., Prisoner of War with the enemy
[not listed in CSR]
William McIntosh, Capt., Prisoner of War with the
Thomas Glascock, Lt., 1 July 1777, present
Jesse Walton, Lt., present
William Low, Lt., Prisoner of War with the enemy
James Houston, Surgeon, present
(Five Officers effective)
John Leduck, Quartermaster Sergt., During the War
John Twedle, Sergt. Maj., present
Charles Fields [?] Sergt., present
John Evens, Sergt., present
John Knight, Sergt., deserted
Thomas Jeffryes, Corp., press’t
Ethral Fatrul, Corp., press’t [not listed in CSR]
Thomas Hart, Corp., during War [not listed in CSR]
Daniel Mathews, Corp., deserted
William Lowe, drum major, press’d
(3 Non-commissioned Officers effective)
Privates [all enlisted for the war]
Thomas Wilson, Genl. Hosp. August[a]
John Priar, present
Samuel Ware, furlough
John King, Commanded up river
John Linn, Genl. Hosp. Augusta [not listed in CSR]
John Rain, on furlough
William Austin, present
Hugh Bell, Genl. Hospital Ch. Town
James Burns, present
David Fellers, absent wounded [not listed in CSR]
Rubin Wandrum [sic], present
George Jones, present
William Coucksie [sic], deserted
Andrew Foster, deserted
William Gibbs, furlough
Searcey Askew, Prisoner of war, paroled
Conrod Frigonier [sic], Prisoner of war, paroled
Josiah Bird, Prisoner of war on parole
John Futrel, Prisoner of war on parole [not listed
in CSR]
Jordan Jackson, Prisoner of war on parole
James Parks, Prisoner of war on parole
Andrew Shields, Waggoner at Shelson [not listed in
(5 Privates effective)
A Muster Roll of the third Continental Georgia
Battalion Commanded by Lieutenant Colo. John McIntosh, Augusta August 2d 1779
John McIntosh, Lt. Col., Prisoner of War with the
Joseph Lane, Major, Prisoner of War with the enemy
Isaac Hicks, Capt., Prisoner of War with the enemy
Clement Nash, Capt., Prisoner on parole
William Scott, Capt., Prisoner with the enemy [not
listed in CSR]
Gideon Booker, Capt., Prisoner with the enemy
Rains Cook, Capt., Prisoner with the enemy
John Manley, Lt., Prisoner with the enemy
John Frazer, Lt., Prisoner with the enemy
John Mitchel, Lt., Prisoner on parole
Nathan Pearre, Lt., and Adjutant, present
Josiah Maxwell, Lt., Prisoner with the enemy
John Wagnon, Lt., Prisoner with the enemy
Thomas Devenport, Surgeon, Prisoner with the enemy
[not listed in CSR]
(1 Officer effective)
John Hoggett, Sergt., discharged
Jesse Browder, Sergt., sick in hospital
Paskeel Tucker, Sergt., present
John Boyd, Sergt., Jan. 7, ‘77, present
Samuel Barnet, Sergt., Left sick at Genl. Hospital
Basill Hatton, Sergt., Feb. 20, 1777, present
John Connoley, Sergt., left sick on road
William Riley, Sergt., absent
William Corbin, Corpl., Waggoner, present
Griffith Dickenson, Corpl., present
George Turner, Corpl., discharged
Henry Deshazer, Corpl., Feby. 26, 1777 present
William Thompson, Corpl., absent
Mansfield Jones, Drum., present
Joshua Northington, Drum., discharged
Obed Hendricks, Drum., on furlow
(6 Non-commissioned officers and 1 drummer
Joshua Cissle, present
Jesse Peters, present
James Bryan, discharged
James Lane, Stono left at Genl. Hospital
John House, present
Curtis Linn, absent with leave
Parish Lankford, Deserted
Terry McHaney, absent C’l White
William Hicks, present [not listed in CSR]
John Tombolin, deserted absent
William King, deserted
John Johnston, Augusta, sick at Hosp.
John Abbot, deserted absent without leave [not
listed in CSR]
William Clabruck, waggoner, present
Moses Reaves, absent town
John Davy, Augusta, sick at Hospital
Frederick Thompson, deserted, absent
William Coleman, present
Nathaniel Eves, present
James O’Brien, Augusta at Hospital
Thomas McClain, discharged
Soloman Draper, discharged
Alexander Roberson, absent Town
Pat Cockron, In Staff, absent present [sic]
Pat Slacks, waggoner present
George Thomas, waggoner present
Will Osband [sic], deserted , absent without leave
John Wedgwood, waggoner present
(10 Privates effective)
A Muster Roll of the 4th Continental Georgia
Batalion Commanded by Col. John White, Augusta, August 2nd 1779.
John White, Col., Absent, Camden
Joseph Pannel, Lt. Col., Absent, Camden
Philip Lowe, Major, Prisoner on parole
George Melvin, Capt., In Quarter Master Department
John Lucas, Capt., Prisoner with the enemy
William Hornby, Capt., Prisoner with the enemy
[not listed in CSR]
Joseph Day, Capt., Prisoner with the enemy
Andrew Templeton, Capt., Prisoner on parole [not
listed in CSR]
James Stedman, Lt., Present fit for duty
Patrick FitsPatrick, Lt., Present fit for duty
Edward Cowen, Lt., Prisoner with the enemy
William Jordan, Lt., Present
Walter Dixon, Lt., Prisoner with the enemy [not
listed in CSR]
John Carswell, Lt., on parole
Arthur Hays, Lt., on parole
Christopher Hebery, Lt., Prisoner with the enemy
Robert Simpson, Lt., Absent with leave [not listed
in CSR]
(3 Officers effective)
James Lett, Sgt., sick about Beach Island
Daniel Dampier, Sgt., present
George St. George, Sgt., on the Commissary’s
John Anderson, Sgt., Col. White, Camden
Henry Ellis, Sgt., Col. White, Camden
John Willard, Sgt., Col. White, Camden [not listed
in CSR]
George Kane, Sgt., Col. White, Camden {not listed
in CSR]
Thomas Johnston, Corp., present
John Hendrin, Drummer, present
Charles Grand, Drummer, present
Samuel Rumerfield, Drummer, Charlestown with Col.
Nielom [?]
David Rowark, Fifer, with Lt. Carswell, Georgetown
John Smith, Fifer, present
Jeremiah Levering, Fifer, Camden Col. White
(2 Non-commissioned Officers, 3 Musicians
William Bishop, present
George Townsend, present
William Haven, Chas. Town sick in General Hosp.
Joseph Boys, discharged by Maj. Moore and enlisted
during the war
John Privite, Absent without leave
Christopher Fryther, Absent without leave
Charles Clarke, Chas. Town at the Gen Hosp.
Patrick Conden, Chas. Town at Head Quarters
Thomas Nichols, taken by the enemy [not listed in
William McCormack, in Charles Town [not listed in
John Farrel, in Hosp. at Augusta
John Harris, with Col. White, Camden [not listed
in CSR]
Smith Carpenter, with Col. White, Camden
Adam Grub, with Col. White, Camden
Joseph Sissco [sic], with Col. White, Camden
William Ball, deserted [not listed in CSR]
George Hamelton, deserted [not listed in CSR]
Stephen Kindal [sic], deserted [not listed in CSR]
Thomas Brown, deserted
Isham Cogan, deserted
Edward McGinnis, deserted
Samuel Wood, In George Town, Prisoner of war
William Mitchell, butcher
(3 Privates effective)
14 August—Engagement at Lockhart’s Plantation (Big
Buckhead Creek)
19 September—Engagement at Ogeechee Ferry
23 September—Allied forces invest siege of
The British easily captured the city from the
rebels in 1778, following a slave through the marsh to bypass the defenses.
This set the stage for the second bloodiest battle of the Revolution. September
8, 1778 a French fleet of 42 ships with 4,000 soldiers, commanded by a cautious
Count Charles-Henri d’Estaing, arrived off Tybee Island. American forces from Charleston under
General Benjamin Lincoln approached Savannah from the north. The British, believing the French fleet to
be occupied in the Caribbean, were taken by surprise. With a garrison of about
700, Savannah was ripe for the taking.
d’Estaing’s and Lincoln’s troops probably could have walked into the
city unopposed. Instead, d’Estaing sent
a demand for surrender to the British General Prevost. Prevost responded by quickening the pace at
which he was strengthening the fortifications around the city. The delay allowed the British garrison to be
reinforced by Col. John Maitland and the Seventy First Highlanders who had been
at Beaufort, South Carolina when the French arrived. The French shelled the city with little real effect. During the
three-week bombardment a great deal of property was damaged but only one
British soldier was killed. During one
night of the bombardment the French gunners were drunk and fired on their own
1 October—Engagement at Savage Point
2 October—Washington’s general order issued
regarding uniform colors and facings
9 October—Savannah attacked by Allied forces and
repulsed by British
At dawn, October 9, 1779 thousands of French and
Americans attacked the British positions and were slaughtered. It was the bloodiest hour in the Revolution.
American hero, Sergeant Jasper, was killed on the ramparts trying to save his unit’s
battle flag. During the attack both
d’Estaing and Polish patriot Casimir Pulaski, fighting for the American cause,
were shot. While the admiral’s wound
was less serious, Pulaski’s proved to be fatal. He was moved to the American ship Wasp, where he
died. Black troops from Haiti in the
French reserve came forward to cover the retreat of the shattered attackers. In
an hour a thousand casualties resulted.
During a four hour truce, hundreds of French and American soldiers were
buried in a mass grave in the vicinity of what is now a visitor’s center. From an initial force of 5000 men, by the
end of the day over 800 French and American soldiers lay dead. The city was held by the British until 1782.
Admiral d’Estaing returned to sea, and Lincoln began
a march to Charleston, South Carolina, realizing the British would likely
attack there next.
4 November—Engagement at Tybee River
29 November1st GA ARTY and 2d GA ARTY disbanded.
Per Knox, 87 Continental troops and 750 militia in
service in 1779.
20 January—Reorganization of Georgia state line
troops and consolidation with Continental line troops.
Georgia’s troops suffered virtual annihilation
during the winter of 1778-79 when the British overran that state in a new offensive.
Congress finally empowered Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, who had assumed command
of the Southern Department on 4 December 1778, to consolidate the two state
lines and to organize them under the new regimental structure. Local political
jealousies blocked action until 20 January 1780. Lincoln reorganized the Georgia units, now existing only on
paper, as one infantry regiment and one regiment of mounted rangers.
10 February-29 May, 1780, South Carolina, Siege of
Charleston and related occupation of South Carolina through the Battle of the
25 March—Engagement at Savannah
28 March—Engagement at Sunbury
28 March—Engagement at Ogeechee River
1 April—British invest siege of Charleston, South
5 April—Engagement at Ogeechee River Ferry
(Wright’s Plantation)
12 May—American army surrenders at Charleston.
A perception continued among the British that the
South was full of Loyalists just awaiting the call from the British. At the end of December 1779 General Clinton,
who also subscribed to this view, headed south with a small army with the
objective of capturing Charleston, South Carolina. Clinton approached steadily, arriving opposite Charleston on
April 1, 1780. He then began a classic
European siege. The British dug siege
trenches ever closer to the wall of the city.
Day by day, week by week, the British got ever closer to the wall of the
city. In the meantime both sides
exchanged artillery fire, the Americans trying to make the British task as
difficult as possible, while the British hoped to terrify the Americans into
submission. By the beginning of May,
the British had advanced within a few feet of the American lines. Their artillery fire was soon becoming
deadly and on May 9 many of the wooden houses in Charleston were set on fire by
the artillery fire. The city elders had
enough and requested that the American commander Lincoln surrender, which he
did. The British victory in Charleston
was Pyrrhic, however. There was no
popular Loyalist uprising and instead South Carolina degenerated into a period
of chaos.
May—British recapture Augusta
June—Engagement at Dooly’s Fort
30 June—Engagement at Fort Anderson
23 July—Second Engagement at Fort Anderson
August—Engagement at Dooly’s Fort
16 August—Battle of Camden (SC)
September-October—Engagements in
Wilkes County
14 September—Engagement at Fort Cornwallis, Fort
14-18 September—Battle at McKay’s Trading Post
(White House), Augusta
Elijah Clarke and his force of American regulars
attacked Loyalist forces under the command of Colonel Thomas Browne. The siege
was broken when a relief column from the British Garrison at Ninety-Six
arrived. Browne was wounded in the battle and was so enraged that he hanged the
American prisoners or turned them over to the Indians to be tortured.
14 October—Nathanael Greene promoted to Southern
Department commander
Per Knox, no Continental troops and 750 militia in
service in 1780.
1 January—1st GA redesignated as the GEORGIA
REGIMENT (GA RGT [redesignated])
1 January—2d GA, 3d GA, 4th GA, GA RGR disbanded
17 January—Battle of Cowpens (SC)
22 January—Engagement at Mathews’ Bluff
23-24 January—Engagement at Wiggan’s (Wiggin’s)
April—Engagement at Wiggan’s (Wiggin’s) Hill
April, 1781, the Light Company (2/84) under the command of Captain Ronald
McKinnon, participated in a skirmish at Wiggan’s Hill, south of Augusta, above
the Savannah River. This fight would
have been lost to history except for the cruelty delivered unto the rebel
prisoners taken there. The only reason the incident was recorded in rebel
documents was because of the humanity Captain McKinnon displayed in trying to
stop an act of barbarity.
fortified town of Augusta received most of its supplies from traffic on the
Savannah River. A rebel party of South Carolina militia under the command of a
Captain Johnson and Georgia militia under Captain James McKay had taken up
positions in the swamps of the river and intercepted unescorted boats, which
they pillaged and sank. The British forces under the command of
Colonel of Militia Browne could not tolerate such interference and sent a small
party of 10 to 25 King’s Rangers and 20 militia, under the command of
Lieutenant Kemp, to kill the rebel pirates hiding in the swamp. They were the vanguard of an expedition led by Captain Alexander Wylly. Lieutenant Kemp hired a guide named Willie
to take him to McKay’s camp on Matthew’s Bluff. Willie had alerted McKay and Kemp’s troopers rode into an
ambush. The British militia all fled
without firing a shot, and the Rangers surrendered. McKay asked Kemp to join him, Kemp refused, and he was shot. The same fate happened to each of the other
Rangers, except one, who pretended to join McKay, then escaped at the first
chance and told Browne what had happened.
ordered his Loyalist militia to Augusta to defend it against a possible attack
from a large party of Marion’s Partisans under Lieutenant Colonel William
Harden, who was operating in the general area. Many men of the Loyalist militia
deserted in preference to being besieged and possibly captured and
executed. The only reliable troops
present to defend the town were his own provincials and the 84th Light Infantry
soon as Captain Wylly knew where the raiders were he informed Browne who
marched sixty miles from Augusta, in two days.
On the way one hundred Loyalist militia joined him. Browne had knowledge as to the general
location of Harden and his rebels.
Browne sent Indian scouts to pinpoint Harden’s camp and then planned to
attack and destroy Harden, once and for all.
The first night out, Browne camped in a field at Wiggan’s Hill, about 30
miles from Black Swamp. Unbeknownst to both
sides, they were encamped within one mile of each other. Harden had been joined by Captains Johnson
and McKay with their small forces. Harden’s scouts located the Loyalist camp
first. Harden promptly moved to attack
the Crown camp shortly after midnight, terrifying the militia of the camp. During the battle, many of the Loyalist
militia deserted over to Harden, who attacked again the next day with his “new”
next morning at eight o’clock Colonel Harden struck again. His men dismounted then engaged the British
with rifle fire. The British pickets
detected the attack and beat the troops to arms. When the rebels attacked in
disorder, they found the King’s men formed and waiting for them. Browne ordered his Rangers and Indians to
charge, scattering Harden’s men. In the
half hour that followed, Harden’s men were decimated by superior firepower and
discipline (the rebels claimed superior numbers, but this is unlikely). Harden retreated, carrying off his wounded
and sought refuge in the swamp. The
Americans claimed both sides lost seven killed and eleven wounded.
rebel prisoners were taken during the two days of battle. One rebel, Leonard
Tanner, was murdered by the Tories because he would not reveal where the rebel
camp was in the swamp. Willie, the
scout who led Lieutentant Kemp to Matthew’s Bluff, was accused of treachery by
the Tories and alleged by the rebels to have been turned over to the Indians
who “ripped him open with their knives in Browne’s presence and tortured him to
death.” Browne claimed that Willie was killed instantly with a tomahawk by the
Indian chief because of his betrayal. The latter is more likely true.
other prisoners taken were Rannal McKay (son of the rebel captain), Britton
Williams, George Smith, George Reed, a Frenchman whose name was not known and
seven others whose names were not recorded. These twelve rebels Browne ordered
to be hanged the following day in retaliation for the murder of Kemp and his
party a few days earlier. That night, McKay’s
mother came to camp to plead for her son’s life. Browne received her, but
refused her plea. Things became uncivil, and Mrs. McKay was escorted out of
camp. McKinnon, according to Mrs.
McKay, gave her his assurance that he would intervene and that her son would be
safe. Captain McKinnon pleaded for
Browne to spare the youth, who was only 13 years old. Browne told McKinnon that the hanging was a matter that did not
concern him. Mrs. McKay later returned
to camp, but this time was not permitted entry. When time came for the sentence to be carried out, McKinnon, who
had greatly opposed the pending execution, was ordered by Browne, his
commanding officer, to stand aside.
Then, according to rebel reports, the prisoners were hung until nearly
dead, cut down, and delivered to the Indians, “who scalped them and otherwise
abused their bodies in their accustomed savage manner.”
complete his revenge, Browne ordered the houses of the dead rebels to be
burned. Browne then ordered that all of
the local inhabitants be turned out of their homes for supporting the
rebels. Their houses were then looted
by the Tories and all of the buildings torched. McKinnon, a professional soldier of long service, had little
stomach for partisan warfare and the barbarities that the civilian combatants
waged upon each other.
After the threat to Augusta passed, the Light
Company marched to join Rawdon, who was engaged at Hobkirks’ Hill, but did not
arrive in time. The withdrawal of the Light Company from Augusta weakened the defenses
and, thus, made it a tempting target. The Americans besieged Augusta and the
fort surrendered with terms in June.
14 April—Engagement at Great Ogeechee
16 April—Americans invest siege of Augusta
24 April—Engagement at Blackbeard’s Island
1 May—Engagement at New Bridge (Walker’s Bridge)
1 May—Engagement at Beech Island, Savannah River
2 May—Engagement at New Savannah (Bugg’s
23-24 May—Second Engagement at Fort Grierson
23 May-5 June—Second Engagement at Fort Cornwallis
4 June—Engagement at Fort George
5 June—Americans recapture Augusta
In late May 1781, British forces under Lt. Col.
Thomas Brown held Fort Cornwallis, about where St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in
Augusta now stands.
At this stage of the war, the British strategy was
to dominate the region’s countryside by placing troops in various forts. Such
strongholds not only provided a base from which Redcoats could strike, but also
a rallying spot for area Loyalists.
Colonial troops led by Gen. Andrew Pickens and Lt.
Col. Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee (the father of Robert E. Lee) pinned down
the British force in the fort next to the Savannah River, but it was too strong
to overtake. The Americans wanted to bombard the British stronghold with their
6-pounder cannons, but the flat, swampy land along the Savannah did not have a
hill high enough to loft cannonballs into the garrison.
Lee then suggested a strategy used a month before at
Fort Watson in South Carolina. There, a Maj. Hezekiah Mayham (also spelled
“Maham”) conceived of building a two-story tower, hoisting a cannon to its top
and firing over the walls into a nearby British fort. In his memoirs, Lee
described the tower as a “large, strong oblong pen, to be covered on the top
with a floor of logs, and protected on the side opposite to the fort with a
breastwork of light timbers.”
The Americans decided to try it again. They began
building the tower on the evening of May 30, protected from British sight by an
old wooden house. The tower was completed June 1, high enough to overlook the
wall of Fort Cornwallis.
Brown perceived the danger of the American
project. Knowing the tower would be used to bombard his fort, he ordered a
night attack to destroy it, but Americans repelled the sortie with
bayonets. Brown then mounted two
cannons inside Fort Cornwallis to fire upon the tower, but they were never able
to disable the tower’s 6-pounder. The two cannons were quickly disabled by the
tower’s gun. It is said one of the British cannons is located near the Celtic
Cross marker at St. Paul’s.
The American 6-pounder continued to fire into the
fort, forcing soldiers to dig holes for protection. After a few days it became
too much. On June 5, the British garrison of 300 surrendered.
After the war, Lee wrote in his memoirs that the
tower was the key to overtaking the British in Augusta. Mr. Sutherland writes:
“The use of the tower to attack a fortified position is an old practice known to
the Romans. But to Hezekiah Maham must go the credit for re-inventing its use
in the New World.” It provided the margin of victory, he wrote, in two battles
that eventually helped force the British to Yorktown and defeat.
12 July—Engagement at Ogeechee River
8 September—Engagement at Eutaw Springs
18 September—Engagement at Sunbury
17 October—Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown
November—Engagement at Savannah
2 November—Engagement at Ogeechee River Ferry
(Indian Old Fields)
6 November—Engagement at Wilkes County
3 December—Engagement at the Fork of the Hooper
Per Knox, no Continental troops and 750 militia in
service in 1781.
January 1782—American Gen. Wayne’s offensive in
Southern theater
25 February—Engagement at Augusta
12 April—Engagement at Altamaha River
20-23 May—Engagement at Ogeechee Ferry and
Ogeechee Road (Browne’s Defeat, Harris’s Bridge)
the spring of 1782, Captain Parker’s Light Infantry Company was involved in
skirmishes with Loyalists and Indians. The following are accounts of a skirmish
that took place on the Ogeechee Road near Savannah, Georgia. These accounts
were from General Anthony Wayne, and Captain Alexander Parker.
Anthony Wayne: “On the 21st instant I received intelligence of the enemy being
out in force from Savannah, in consequence of which White’s dragoons and
Posey’s infantry were put in motion, and at 5 o’clock in the evening arrived at
Mrs. William Gibbon’s, six miles northwest of Savannah. At six, an express from
Lt. Col. Jackson announced the enemy in force of Harris’s bridge on the great
Ogechee [Ogeechee] road seven miles from town, and that a small party were at
Ogechee Jersy which he intended to attach as his Corps. Upon inquiry I found
that the only route to the enemy’s position was through a thick swamp of near
four miles extent, with enemy deep and dangerous morasses to pass, and to
intercede the Ogechee [Ogeechee] was of an intermediate distance from Savannah
and the bridge. I was properly informed that with the difficulty attending a
night march over such ground, as well as the delicacy of a maneuver that placed
me between the whole of the enemy’s force in Georgia.” The enemy force consisted of British Cavalry
and a large body of infantry picked from the Seventh Regiment, the Hessians,
Tanning’s and Browne’s regulars, with the Choctaw Indian, the whole commanded
by Colonel Browne.
Alexander Parker: The [our] van consisted of one company of light infantry and
a section of dragoons, under the orders of Captain Alexander Parker. This
officer was directed to hasten his march through woods and swamps, and to seize
a causeway on which Browne must necessarily pass. Parker was ordered, whenever
he met the enemy, to reserve his fire, and to fall back upon him with sword and
bayonet. Wayne followed with the main
body, to
his van. About ten in the forenoon Captain Parker reached the causeway, when he
discovered a small patrol of cavalry in his front. Each advancing, the two
parties soon met, when Captain Parker accosted the leading file, and demanded
the countersign. Confounded or deceived, the British officer, instead of
falling back upon Browne, approached Parker in the attitude of friendship. He
now discovered his mistake, but too late to extricate himself, and was with his
patrol taken, except one dragoon, who got back to Colonel Browne, moving in
column to sustain his van, with cavalry in front. Lieutenant Bowyer, who
commanded our horse, was ordered to charge, which was executed with decision.
Bowyer was supported by Parker with his infantry. The British cavalry were
thrown into confusion; and as Browne’s whole force was in column on the
causeway, from whence there was no moving, to the right or left, the
substitution of his infantry for his cavalry became impracticable, and the
British colonel was obliged to fall back.
Anthony Wayne: The precipitate flight of the enemy prevented any part of the
troops from coming into contact with them, except Lt. Colonel Posey’s light
company under Captain Parker and a few dragoons under Captain Hughes and Lt.
Boyer, conducted by Col. White. This small vanguard put to route the whole of
the enemy’s force without the use of powder. The almost impenetrable thick
woods, deep swamps and morasses into which they plunged in a dispersed state
and under cover of the night screened them from total ruin at the expense of a
giant fragmentation of their arms and horses which they abandoned to secure
personal safety. The few of our troops that had an opportunity to engage
introduced the American sword and bayonet with such effect as to kill many and
wound some; a number of prisoners also fell into our hands, among which is Lt.
Col. Douglas dangerously wounded.
Alexander Parker: This was accomplished without loss, as General Wayne did not
get up in time to improve the advantage gained by Parker. Two of our van were
killed and three were wounded. We took Major Alexander, second in command, and
eighteen dragoons, with their horses and furniture. Wayne had been delayed by
the swamps, which in the South invariably presented stubborn difficulties to
the march of troops. As soon as he reached Parker he pursued the enemy; but all
his endeavors to renew the action proved abortive, and Browne made good his
retreat to Savannah.
Anthony Wayne: Even Col. Browne and Lt. Col. Ingram did not find the way to
town ‘til the second night after the action, and then unattended. After
refreshing the troops at Mrs. Gibbon’s, we advanced within view of their lines,
yesterday [May 23rd] morning detaching a few infantry and dragoons to draw the
enemy out, but they declined the invitation, contenting themselves with
advancing a few Indians and regulars to the skirt of a swamp, from whence they
commenced a scattering and ineffectual fire. Finding that General Clarke was
not to be enticed from his Redoubts, I returned with the troops to this place,
where the last arrived this morning with the news of only five privates killed
and two wounded. We had also two dragoon horses killed and three hurt, but these
we shall replace with part of the cavalry taken from the enemy. I feel myself
under the highest obligation to every officer and soldier for their good
conduct, zeal, and perseverance during a very fatiguing march of near forty
miles performed in a few hours to effect this enterprise.
Alexander Parker: The Indians, whom
Lieutenant-Colonel Browne expected to meet, would have rendered his corps
superior to that under Wayne, when the encounter might have terminated
differently. General Wayne seems either to have unapprised of this intended
junction, or to have disregarded it; for he pressed forward to strike his foe,
regardless of ground or number. The
fortuitous success of such conduct, encourages the ardent soldier to put
himself upon his fortune and his courage – overlooking those numerous, sure,
and effectual aids to be drawn from accurate intelligence and due
circumspection. Fortune at length forsakes him, no prop remains to support him
but his courage, and he falls a victim of his own presumption; honored for his
bravery, but condemned for his temerity.
weeks before General Clarke made this attempt to secure the safe entry of his
Indian friends into Savannah, Wayne had intercepted a trading party of the Creeks
on their way to the British garrison. Of these, the American general detained a
few as hostages, and permitted the rest to return to their own country. This
generous treatment seems to have inspired apprehensions in Savannah, that its
effect would diminish the British influence among the Creeks; an event
deprecated by the enemy in case of continuance of the war, which, though
improbable, might nevertheless happen. Therefore it was thought proper to
prevent, by suitable succor, the interruption of this second visit. To that end Browne had been detached. Not
only, as has been seen, did the effort fail, but it was followed by a disaster
very unpleasant to the enemy, and in its conclusion pregnant with cause of regret
to ourselves.
a principal warrior among the Creeks, conducted the party of Indians lately
expected by Clarke. Although he did not arrive at the appointed rendezvous so
as to meet Browne, he reached in the latter part of the succeeding month. This
warrior, accompanied by his white guides, passed through the whole State of
Georgia unperceived, except by two boys, who were taken and killed; and having
reached the neighborhood of Wayne on the 23rd of June, he determined to strike
at a picket of the requisite intelligence, with Negroes for the execution of
his purpose. Wayne, in pursuance of a
system adopted to avoid surprise (of which the Indian chief was uninformed),
moved every night; and consequently the calculation that he would be on the
23rd where he had been on the 22nd, was unfounded. The reverse was the fact,
which would undoubtedly have been perceived by Guristersigo had he been
acquainted with the custom of the American general, and his plan of attack
would have been modified accordingly.
Decamping from Gibbons’s late in the evening of the 22nd, Wayne
exchanged positions with his picket, and thus fortunately held the very post
against which the Indian warrior had pointed his attack.
the light infantry under Parker (who had been for several days close to
Savannah) joined, and being much harassed by the late tour of duty, was ordered
by the brigadier to take post near his artillery, in the rear. Knowing but one
enemy, the garrison of Savannah, Wayne gave his entire attention to that
quarter; and conscious, from his precautions, that no
could be made by the enemy in Savannah without due notice, he forbore to burden
his troops with the protection of his rear, because in his opinion unnecessary.
A single sentinel only from the quarter-guard was posted in the rear, on the
main road leading through the camp to Savannah, and the very road, which
Guristersigo meant to take.
after nightfall the Indian chief at the head of his warriors emerged from the
deep swamps, in which he had lain concealed, and gained the road. He moved in
profound silence, and about three in the morning reached the vicinity of our
camp.; here he halted, and made his disposition for battle. Believing that he
had to deal with a small detachment only, his plan of attack was simple and
efficient. Preceded by a few of the most subtle and daring of his comrades,
directed to surprise and kill the sentinel, he held himself ready to press
forward with the main body upon the signal to advance. This was not long delayed. His wily
precursors having encompassed our sentinel, killed him, when Guristersigo,
bounding from his stand, fell with his whole force upon our rear. Aroused from
sleep, the light infantry stood to their arms, and the matrosses closed with
their guns. But the enemy was amongst them; which being perceived by Parker, he
judiciously drew off in silence and joined the quarter-guard behind Gibbons’s
house at headquarters.
general had about this time mounted, and, concluding that the garrison of
Savannah was upon him, he resorted to the bayonet, determined to die sword in
hand. Orders to this effect were given to Parker and dispatched to
Lieutenant-Colonel Posey, commanding in camp, distant a few hundred yards.
Captain Parker, seconded by the quarter-guard, advanced upon the foe; and Posey
moved with all possible celerity to support the light troops, but did not
arrive in time to share in the action. Wayne, participating with his light
corps in the surrounding dangers, was now dismounted, his horse being killed;
the light troops, nevertheless, continued to press forward, and Parker drove
all in his way back to our cannon, where the Indian chief with a part of his
warriors was attempting to turn our guns to his aid. Here Guristersigo renewed
the conflict, and fought gallantly; but the rifle and tomahawk are unavailing
when confronted by the bayonet in close quarters. We soon recovered our
artillery, and Guristersigo, fighting bravely, was killed. Seventeen of the
warriors and his white guides fell by his side, and the rest fled.
Battle account though Lieutenant Colonel
Thomas Posey: “The whole of the
troops had for several weeks been doing hard duty, every night lying down in
their rank with clothes and accoutrements on, and their arms by their sides,
and almost worn out with fatigue in watching and loss of rest, in constant
expectation that the British would either come out of Savannah in force for
action, or that we might have an opportunity of falling in with foraging
parties. When the attack was made, it was with such fury and violence, at a
dead time of the night when the men were in profound sleep (except the guards),
with yelling and the use of their tomahawks, spears, scalping-knives, and guns,
that our men were thrown into disorder. Wayne and Posey had thrown their cloaks
about them and lay close to each other. The alarm soon roused them, and they
had proceeded but a few steps hen Capt. Parker met Col. Posey, and informing
him that the suddenness of the attack had confused his men, wished to know if
the colonel had any particular orders. Posey immediately ordered that the Light
Infantry should be rallied behind the nearby house, and his exertions, united
with Parker’s, in a short space of time collected the men. Posey then placed
himself with Parker at their head, and ordered a charge through the enemy to
the regiment; the charge was made with celerity and firmness; though the
conflict was severe, many of the Indians falling by the force of the bayonet.
One or more of the enemy fell by Posey’s own arm,
and unfortunately for Sgt. Thompson of Parker’s Light Infantry (who, contrary
to orders had taken off his coat and tied up his head with a handkerchief who
manfully engaged and had immediately next to Posey fired at an Indian), Posey
took him, from his appearance with his coat off and his head tied up, for an
Indian and thrust his sword through his body and laid him at his feet. But he
greatly lamented the circumstance when he visited the hospital the next
morning, and learned from the brave but incautious sergeant the particulars of
his wounds. General Wayne with the cavalry followed by Posey, who had filed off
to the right to gain his regiment, which he had met on its march to the scene
of action, and placing himself at the head, charged immediately upon the rear
of the enemy and put them to flight. General Wayne filed off to the left, where
he fell in with a considerable body of Indians, and compelled them to retreat
after a severe conflict. Thus, with the untied force and much bravery of both
officers and soldiers, the whole of the Indians were defeated and routed.”
Chief Guristersigo was killed by bayonet. Corporal William Rhodes was once
again a casualty of war and was one of Parker’s Light Infantry men wounded that
night. In October of 1782 Posey’s regiment marched home to Virginia in. On
about July 3rd 1783, William was discharged at Richmond, Virginia after serving
for nearly eight years. His tour of duty had taken him north to New York and as
far south as Georgia. (Thanks to Todd
Post of the 2d Virginia Regiment
21 May—Engagement at Fort Galphin (Fort
24 May—Engagement at Sharon
23 June—Engagement at Ebenezer (Three Sisters)
10-11 July—Americans recapture Savannah after British
Greene faced greater problems than Washington
during 1782, although the British evacuated Savannah on 11 July and Charleston
on 14 December. The Southern Army only engaged in skirmishes, but the
provisional regiments, less stable than Washington’s units, deteriorated.
Washington directed Greene to rebuild the lines allotted to the Carolinas and
Georgia, but he stopped the movement of replacements from Pennsylvania and
Georgia planned to form a single regiment in 1782,
and on 29 July it decided to mount two of the companies. Maj. John Habersham
recruited some pardoned Loyalists, but Congress took no formal action in regard
to the regiment since the regiment never reached operational strength.
16 - October 17—Campaign against the Cherokees
force of 414 men led by Brigadier General Andrew Pickens, and Colonel Elijah
Clarke marched against the Cherokees who were under the command of a Loyalist
Colonel named Thomas Waters that had aroused the Indians to attack settlements.
Waters was defeated, but many Indian towns were burned. Chiefs of the different
Nations negotiated a treaty that was ratified by the Governor of Georgia.
Per Knox, no Continental troops and 750 militia in
service in 1782.
1 January—GA RGT [redesignated] reorganized and
redesignated as the GEORGIA BATTALION (GA BN), to consist of three companies
Summer—GA BN furloughed at Charleston, South
3 September—Treaty of Paris ending hostilities
between England and the United States
15 November—GA BN discharged
Per Knox, 145 Continental troops and no militia in
service in 1783.
1st GA, 2d GA, 3d GA, GA Horse—Florida
1st GA, 2d GA, 3d GA, 4th GA, GA RGR, 1st GA
ARTY—Florida 1778
GA RGR—Georgia 1778
1st GA, 2d GA, 3d GA, 4th GA, GA RGR, 1st GA ARTY,
2d GA ARTY—Savannah
1st GA, 2d GA, 3d GA, 4th GA, GA RGR—Charleston
The alliance between France and the United States increased the
probability of the final independence of the latter. It therefore became
important to diminish the amount of territory held by the Americans, even if
their main army could not be destroyed. Lord George Germaine hoped that the
thinly inhabited southern provinces might speedily be reduced to obedience, and
the royal authority established from the Gulf of Mexico to the Susquehanna
River (Bancroft, vol. x. p. 284.)
was a further advantage to be gained by occupying at once the Northern and the Southern
States. The summer and autumn were the season of activity in the former, the
winter and spring in the latter. The British general, who could move his troops
by sea, might thus leave each department with only soldiers enough to act on
the defensive when the weather limited the operations that could be conducted,
and maintain a superiority in each, when such a superiority was most important.
the 6th of November, 1778, about thirty-five hundred men, under
Lieutenant-colonel Campbell, were embarked at New York. Two Hessian regiments
were in the expedition. The transports, delayed by bad weather, did not clear
Sandy Hook until the 27th, and arrived in the Savannah River on the 24th of
December, after a stormy passage. The party landed on the 29th, and put to
flight some eight hundred Americans who attempted to oppose them, killing and
wounding about eighty, and taking four hundred prisoners. Nearly fifty cannon,
a considerable quantity of stores, and several ships fell into the hands of the
British, whose loss, including Hessians and Tories, was twenty men killed and
town of Savannah was composed of about six hundred lightly built houses. Most
of the inhabitants had run away with the rebels, taking with them such
valuables as they could carry. Mahogany furniture was lying about broken in the
streets - a sad sight to see. The Hessians are said not to have plundered, like
the other invading troops. They were quartered in the fine barracks of the town
(Schlozer’s “Briefwechsel,” vol. v. p. i et seq.; MS journal of Regiment von
Wissenbach. See, also, a description of the State of Georgia in 1776, Sparks’s
“Correspondence,” vol. i. pp. 148-151. Many of the troops with the expedition
were Tories, the least disciplined soldiers in the British army.)
January General Prevost arrived from St. Augustine to take command of the army.
Then began the interminable series of marches that distinguished these southern
campaigns. Augusta was occupied, then abandoned. General Lincoln, with an
American army, marched towards Augusta, and General Prevost gave him the slip
and threatened Charleston. Lincoln returned from Georgia, and Prevost withdrew
to John’s Island, on the coast of South Carolina. At last Beaufort was occupied
and John’s Island abandoned by the British, and their main army returned to
or two incidents occurred during this campaign which especially concerned the
Hessians. At a place called Stono Ferry a small fortification had been erected,
originally as a tete de pont. It was separated by an inlet from John’s
Island, and the bridge which it once protected had been removed. The
fortification was occupied by the Hessian Regiment von Trumbach and by one
battalion of Highlanders, in all about five hundred men. This post was attacked
on the 19th of June, 1779, by Lincoln’s army. The Hessians at first gave way,
but were supported by the Highlanders. They then rallied and renewed the
battle. The Americans retreated before the arrival of German and Scotch
reinforcements (Stedman, vol. ii. pp. 115-119; Lee’s “Memoirs,” pp. 130,131;
Eelking’s “Hulfstruppen,’’ vol. i. pp. 26-28; MS journal of the Regiment von
was about this time that two different engagements occurred in the inlets about
John’s Island between Hessians, using their field-pieces, and small vessels or
galleys of the enemy. On each occasion the Hessians were successful, and caused
the retreat or destruction of the vessels engaged. It is said that on one of
these, named the Rattlesnake, were retaken sundry cannon and flags which
had been captured at Trenton with Rall’s brigade. How these trophies came to be
in South Carolina is not mentioned (Eelking’s “Hulfstruppen’’ vol. ii. p. 28,
where the diary of the noncommissioned officer Reuber is given as authority.
The story told by Eelking does not agree as to dates, etc., with the journal of
the Regiment von Wissenbach. The Regiment von Trumbach, which fought at Stono
Ferry, was Rall’s old regiment.)
the 4th of September, 1779, the French fleet, under Count d’Estaing, appeared
suddenly off the mouth of the Savannah River. Immediately all the outlying
detachments of the British army were called into Savannah. On the 23d Lincoln
and his men joined the French from Charleston, and volunteers from South
Carolina flocked into their camp. But while d’Estaing was opening regular
approaches, the soldiers of the garrison and the negroes of the town were
busily strengthening the fortifications. It was too late in the season for the
French fleet to remain with safety on the coast. D’Estaing determined to try an
assault. This should have been done earlier, before reinforcements had been
received by the British from Beaufort, and before their works had been
strengthened, or it should have been postponed until those works had been crippled.
The assault was undertaken on the 9th of October. Both Frenchmen and Americans
behaved with spirit, and planted their banners on the parapets of Savannah, but
both were repulsed with great slaughter. Colonel von Porbeck, of the Regiment
von Wissenbach, was complimented in Prevost’s report. A week later the French
sailed away, while some of the Americans returned with Lincoln to Charleston,
and others dispersed to their homes (According to the “Histoire de la Derniere
Guerre,” 101 n., the French and American army numbered five thousand five
hundred and twenty-four. The British had white men, three thousand and
eighty-five; Indians, eighty; negroes, four thousand. Stedman (vol. ii. p. 127)
gives the number of the garrison at less than twenty-five hundred white men.
The French loss was about seven hundred; the American loss not far from two
hundred and fifty. The journal of the Regiment von Wissenbach gives the British
loss, killed and wounded, at fifty-six; about one half of the number usually
the summer of 1779, Sir Henry Clinton planned an expedition against Charleston.
The execution of the design was postponed on account of the neighborhood of the
French fleet, but when this had sailed for Europe a corps of about eighty-five
hundred men was prepared in New York. This corps was made up of Englishmen,
Tories, and Hessians. The Hessians chosen were the four battalions of
grenadiers, a regiment of infantry, and about two hundred and fifty chasseurs.
With the last-mentioned were Captain Ewald and Lieutenant Hinrichs.
Lieutenant-general von Knyphausen was left in command at New York. Sir Henry
Clinton commanded the expedition in person. The soldiers were embarked about
the 19th of December, but on account of the weather they did not put to sea
until the 29th. The voyage was a very stormy one, and when, in the first days
of February, 1780, the main body of the fleet arrived in the mouth of the
Savannah River, many transport ships were missing. A bark, the Anna, containing
thirty Hessian and Anspach chasseurs, and other soldiers, had been dismasted
early in January and taken in tow by a man-of-war. In a subsequent storm the
tow-line snapped, and the Anna, a sheer hulk, was left to the fury of
the waves. For eight weeks this bark, with two hundred and fifty souls on
board, was driven before the westerly gales. She was provisioned only for a
month and for a hundred men, and famine presently set in. The dogs were eaten;
bones were ground up and boiled with shavings from salt-beef barrels.
master proposed that the crew and passengers should feed on each other,
beginning with the women. This inhuman proposal was rejected with disgust. At
last the Irish coast came in sight. The vessel grazed on a rock and sprang a
leak. It was noticed that the master was putting out to sea, and, on inquiry,
it was discovered that he was afraid of having to pay thirty guineas for a
pilot. The master was thereupon sent below and the boatswain took command of
the bark. He brought her to St. Ives in Cornwall, where, in answer to her
signals of distress, two boats with a pilot and a carpenter put out to her
assistance. The carpenter was so frightened at the sight of the famished
Hessians that he started off again for the shore as fast as his oars would take
him. The pilot succeeded in beaching the bark just as she was about to sink,
and the crew and passengers were saved at last (The above particulars are taken
from Eelking’s “Hulfstruppen,’’ vol. ii. pp. 63, 64. As usual, Eelking gives no
reference. Bancroft, however, gives the outlines of the story, and there are
various contemporary authorities for the fact that the ship was separated from
the fleet and driven to England.)
English fleet waited at Tybee Island until the 9th of February, 1780, for the
scattered transports to reassemble. It then put out to sea again, and on the
11th all but the heavy men-of-war entered the mouth of the North Edisto River,
and the troops were disembarked on Simon’s Island. For a month the soldiers
were busily landing stores and artillery, making good their footing, and
advancing over the sandy islands southwest of Charleston Harbor. It was not
until the 12th of March that fire was opened on the town from Wappoo Neck, and
only on the 29th did the British army cross the Ashley River. Meanwhile fortifications
had been springing up like mushrooms in the Charleston sand.
serious opposition was offered to the landing, nor to the advance of the army.
Yet the opportunities for resisting or, at least, for annoying the British,
must have been such as to have tempted a more able and energetic commander than
Lincoln. The invaders were landing from a long and exhausting voyage, and were
without horses to drag their cannon and stores. Lincoln’s true course would
probably have been to imitate Washington in the campaign before Philadelphia.
He might have risked a battle, and, if defeated, have abandoned Charleston and
preserved his army for the protection of the Southern States. Those states were
now to be given up to plunder and blood. The war in the Carolinas and Virginia
was marked by a degree of barbarity which had no parallel in the Eastern and
Middle States, except in the small plundering expeditions in the neighborhood
of New York. Already in the preceding year Prevost’s soldiers had begun this
barbarous style of warfare. The marks of their plundering were visible in every
house on the islands they had occupied near Charleston.
Lincoln was throwing up his sand-works in the town, the English were receiving
reinforcements from Savannah. The men-of-war, all but the heaviest, were
lightened, brought over the bar and refitted. Fort Moultrie, however, still
defended the town, and the American and French ships in the harbor, and between
it and Charleston the besieged had sunk vessels to impede further navigation.
Small parties of Americans watched the movements of the British. On the 26th of
March Sir Henry Clinton and several of the generals rode out to meet Colonel
Patterson, who was bringing reinforcements from Savannah. They returned safe,
though without an escort; but a Tory colonel and a hospital inspector, who rode
a short way behind them, were taken prisoners (Eelking’s “Hulfstruppen,” vol.
ii. pp. 67,68; Lee’s “Memoirs,” p. 146.)
tells with glee how, at John’s Island, in South Carolina, in the spring of
1780, he reconnoitred a position by calmly lounging up to an outpost of the
enemy, taking off his hat, and falling into conversation with the officer in
command. The outpost was made up from Pulaski’s Legion, which was officered by
Poles and Frenchmen, in whose gallantry the German captain confided - a kind of
gallantry which the native Americans either could not or would not understand
(Pulaski himself had been killed at the siege of Savannah.)
the 30th of March, 1780, the English army was encamped some three thousand
yards from the lines of Charleston. Towards evening the Hessian chasseurs on
the picket line stood about a mile from the city. Before them lay a flat, sandy
plain, unbroken by a house, tree, or bush. The only possible shelter consisted
in a few ditches. On the night of the 31st of March the first parallel was
opened. The next morning the inhabitants began to move off their families and
their valuables, going in boats up the Cooper River, the only way left open.
Down this river, on the 7th of April, came seven hundred Virginian Continentals
to reinforce the garrison. They were received with ringing of bells and with
salvoes of artillery. Night by night the work on the trenches continued. The
artillery of the city tried in vain to stop it.
afternoon of the 8th of April was cloudy, the tide was on the flood, and a
strong breeze was blowing from the south. Nine men-of-war and a transport ship
approached Fort Moultrie, sailing in line, one behind the other. Before them
all came Admiral Arbuthnot, in a jolly-boat, with the lead in his hand,
piloting the fleet. The fire from the fort was terrific. The Roebuck, leading
the line, sailed close to the works, gave a broadside, and passed on into the
harbor, uninjured. The second ship lost apiece of her foremast. Another luffed
before the fort and kept up a continuous fire, so that the whole ship seemed
like a long flash of lightning. The whole squadron entered the harbor except
the transport ship, which ran aground and was set on fire. The beautiful sight
was watched by thousands of deeply interested spectators. The Americans covered
the ramparts of the town. The Englishmen and Germans leaped on their
siege-works. So absorbing was the interest of the operations in the bay, that
fighting on land ceased for the time. As soon as the second ship had passed the
fort, the Americans disappeared from the walls of Charleston, and presently a
crowd of small boats was seen on the Cooper River, carrying off the more
timid,of the inhabitants (See the MS journals of the Jager Corps (this part by
Lieutenant Heinrichs) and of the Grenadier Battalions von Minnigerode and von
Platte. A singular discrepancy exists in the original accounts as to the day on
which the British fleet passed Fort Moultrie. For the 8th of April we have
Clinton’s official report, Lincoln to Washington, Laurens to Washington, and
the MS journals above quoted. For the 9th of April we have Admiral Arbuthnot’s
official report, Tarleton, Ewald, and Stedman. See Tarleton, pp. 11, 39, 49;
Sparks’s “ Correspondence,” vol. ii. pp. 434, 436; Ewald’s “Belehrungen,” vol.
iii. P. 252; Stedman, vol. ii. p. 180.)
between Fort Moultrie and Charleston was now cut off. The British fleet, however, found its progress further barred by a
line of sunken hulks, and could not sail up the Cooper River and take the
American works in their rear. As some of the ships in that river interfered
with the operations of the besiegers, several large row-boats were hauled
overland to operate on it, the vehicle used for this purpose being dragged by
one hundred and thirty-four negroes. Work on the approaches went on
unceasingly, but the siege was somewhat delayed by the fact that some of the
heavy artillery and most of the horses had been lost at sea. The place of the
siege-train was supplied by cannon from the ships, brought with great labor
overland from James Island. On the 13th of April hot shot were fired by the
Hessian artillery, and several houses caught fire. Sir Henry Clinton ordered
his batteries to slacken their fire, that the flames might be extinguished. On
the following night the second parallel was opened, and soon after this
counter-approaches were begun by the Americans, so that not only artillery, but
musket-balls, could be brought to bear. On the 20th, however, the siege-works
had so far advanced that the chasseurs were able to pick men off in the
embrasures of the fortifications, and render the service of the guns very
dangerous. The third parallel was opened in the following night, and on the
21st, Lincoln, who had refused to surrender on the day after Fort Moultrie had
been passed by the fleet, offered to capitulate. Hostilities were suspended for
six hours, but at the end of that time they were renewed, as the generals had
not agreed on terms. On the 24th the Americans made a sortie, and penetrated in
some places as far as the second parallel, but were presently driven back into
the town. On the 26th the British took possession of a fort commanding the
Cooper River, and the besieged were completely shut up in Charleston.
the night of the 3d of May, a party of men from the besieging camp rowed
silently up to a three-masted vessel lying close to the town. They climbed on
to the deck, which they found undefended, cast off the moorings, and took back
the ship within the British lines. Next morning they examined their prize, and
on going below found her to be a hospital-ship, full of small-pox patients
(Journal of the Grenadier Battalion von Platte.)
end of the siege was approaching. On the night of the 7th of May, 1780, Fort
Moultrie was taken by sailors from the fleet. On the 8th, negotiations for a
surrender of the town were renewed and again broken off; but on the 11th,
Clinton’s terms were agreed to. These were that the garrison should march out
with colors cased and bands playing, but not an English or Hessian tune, and
lay down their arms outside the town. The Continentals were to be prisoners of
war, the militia were to return to their homes on parole. In consequence of
this capitulation the Continentals marched out on the 12th, the bands playing a
Turkish march. The officers were allowed to retain their swords, but were
deprived of them a few days later, on the pretext that they were making
“disorders “ in the town. The garrison had been reduced to a very ragged and
pitiable condition. They were not much more than half as numerous as the
besiegers, even counting the American militia. Of the Continentals there were
about twenty-five hundred, and the English army can hardly have numbered less
than twelve thousand men. The town was defended only by earthworks, and was a
fortified camp rather than a fortress. The loss of the besiegers, in killed and
wounded, is set down in a Hessian journal at two hundred and sixty-five men.
town of Charleston contained about fifteen thousand inhabitants, and had been
one of the richest and gayest towns in North America. The large and handsome
houses were not set close together as in other towns, but much free space was
left for the circulation of air. They were well furnished with mahogany and
silver-ware, and great attention was bestowed on keeping them clean. The
streets were unpaved and sandy, but had a narrow foot-path at the sides. Even
in May, the dust was intolerable. Most of the rich families had fled at the
approach of the British. There were many Germans and German Jews in the town,
and many doctors, on account of the unhealthy climate. The women, at least most
of those that remained, were sallow and ugly. The place, of course, was full of
negroes, who formed quite half of its population.
negroes had been accumulating in the British camp. Two companies of them had
been brought from Savannah at the end of February. The slaves of rebels had
been confiscated. These slaves, in South Carolina, were the most degraded on
the continent, and had been the worst treated by their former masters. The
field hands among them, according to a Hessian journal, usually received a
quart of rice or Indian corn a day. This they ate half-cooked, finding it more
nourishing in that condition than if fully boiled. Many of them had hardly a
rag to cover their nakedness. Few could understand English (MS journal of the
Grenadier Battalion von Platte.) On the 31st of May ten slaves were given to
each regiment starting for New York. The negroes formed a part of the booty of
the campaign, and thousands of them were shipped to the West Indies to be sold.
in June, Sir Henry Clinton sailed for New York. With him went the Hessian
grenadiers and chasseurs, but some of the Hessian regiments remained behind.
expeditions to Savannah and Charleston were not the most distant in which the
German auxiliaries were engaged. In the autumn of 1778 about twelve hundred
men, Waldeckers and Provincials, under Major-general John Campbell, were sent
to reinforce the garrisons of West Florida. Sailing early in November and
touching at Jamaica, these troops were landed at Pensacola at the end of
January, 1779. Pensacola was then a town of about two hundred wooden houses,
defended by forts built of logs and sand. It stood in a sandy desert,
surrounded by thick and interminable forests. It was a four weeks’ journey
overland to Georgia by the old trading path. The woods were infested by
Indians, who received three pounds sterling from the British for every hostile
scalp. Among the Indians the Waldeckers found a countryman of their own, one
Brandenstein, who had deserted in his youth from the Waldeck service, and after
many adventures had assumed the manners and the costume of an Indian warrior.
garrison of Pensacola was at first occupied in fortifying the town.
Lieutenant-colonel Dickson, an English officer, held Baton Rouge. In the course
of the summer of 1779 three companies of Waldeckers were sent to reinforce him.
Meanwhile war had broken out between England and Spain. Don Bernardo de Galvez,
the Spanish governor at New Orleans, was young and energetic. He seized several
small vessels in the Mississippi and the waters near its mouth. In September
fifty-three Waldeckers were taken prisoners on Lake Pontchartrain. The
Spaniards advanced against Baton Rouge, and after two attempts to carry the
works by assault began a regular siege. Dickson capitulated, and the garrison
marched out of the fort with all the honors of war. They numbered over four
hundred, and the besiegers under Galvez between fourteen hundred and two
thousand men. Nearly one half of the capitulating garrison were Waldeckers, and
more than thirty of the regiment had been killed or wounded.
news of Dickson’s surrender reached Pensacola on the 20th of October, but was
at first received with incredulity. “Is not this a cursed country to make war
in?” writes the Waldeck chaplain, “where the greater part of a corps may be
prisoners for five weeks, and twelve hundred miles of country taken by the
enemy, and the commanding-general not know it with certainty.”
March, 1780, a part of the garrison of Pensacola marched to the relief of
Mobile, but arrived too late to save the latter place. Soon after the return of
the troops to Pensacola, a Spanish fleet of twenty-one sail was seen off the
harbor, but three days afterwards it disappeared again. The Spaniards held the
country as far as the Pertido River, and once crossed it in April, but were
driven back by the Indians. The latter, however, were but unruly auxiliaries.
The remainder of the year 1780 passed without any important occurrence in
in January, 1781, Colonel von Hanxleden, with one hundred and fifteen white men
and three hundred Choctaws, made an expedition against French Village. They met
with a determined resistance, and were repulsed. The number of killed and
wounded on the English side was considerable, and among the killed was Colonel
von Hanxleden.
the 9th of March a Spanish fleet of thirty-eight sail appeared before
Pensacola, and during the night following that day a body of troops was landed
on the island of Santa Rosa, which lies at the mouth of the harbor. From this
time the siege of the place went on steadily. On the 19th the fleet, profiting
by a favorable wind, ran past the fortifications into the bay. Reinforcements
were received by the Spaniards from time to time. On the 25th of April a
deserter reported that Galvez had ten thousand men with him. The writer of the
Waldeck journal speaks of this force as being fifteen times superior to that in
Pensacola, whence we may infer that General Campbell commanded between six and
seven hundred white men. The Indians, though drunken, barbarous, and
undisciplined, were useful to the British. At last, on the morning of the 8th
of May, a shell exploded in the powder-magazine of one of the redoubts, killing
many of the Pennsylvania Tories who occupied the work, and causing great
confusion. The Spaniards thereupon increased the fury of their fire, and in the
afternoon of the same day General Campbell hung out the white flag, and
surrendered on terms in accordance with which the garrison were all shipped to
New York on condition of not serving against Spain, or her allies, until
exchanged. As the United States were not at the time allied with Spain, the
Waldeckers could be immediately employed against the Americans (For the
Waldeckers in Florida, see Eelking’s “Hulfstruppen,’’ vol. ii. pp. 135-153.
Eelking had access to two MSS The MS now in the library of the Prince of
Waldeck at Arolsen is a fragment beginning April 11th, 1780. See, also,
Schlozer’s “Briefwechsel,” vol. v. p. 112, and an article by George W. Cable in
the Century Magazine for February, 1883.)
In some
of the bloodiest fighting of the Revolutionary War,
and French troops failed to take Savannah.
Thomas G. Rodgers
History, March 1997
the fifth year of the American Revolution opened, hopes for colonial
independence were growing dim. By 1779 British forces still occupied major
American cities. Divisions plagued the Continental Congress and the rebel army.
In the South, bitter civil war raged between Patriot and Loyalist Americans.
the only American colony to be reconquered by the British, was just 42 years
old when the war started. Georgia’s population was small, with barely 3,000 men
of military age. On December 29, 1778, the colonial capital fell to British
troops. The rebel defenders were routed, losing 550 captured or killed. Patriot
forces were swept from the state.
occupation of Savannah was only the first stroke in a strategy geared to bring
Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia back under royal control. It was felt that
the large numbers of Loyalists in the South would flock to the king’s cause.
With the South secured, the stubborn Continentals in the North could be more
easily tamed.
January 1779, British Colonel Archibald Campbell moved up the Savannah River with
1,044 men and occupied Augusta. There, he invited residents of the surrounding
countryside to come in and take an oath of loyalty to the king and receive
pardons. About 1,400 men complied. Georgia seemed securely under royal control.
awaited the arrival of Colonel James Boyd, a Tory agent recently sent into
South Carolina to recruit 6,000 Loyalist volunteers. Only 600 men were actually
raised. Boyd’s failure to enlist anywhere near the expected numbers of
Loyalists revealed the major flaw in Britain’s southern strategy, that of
overestimating American enthusiasm for the royal cause. Many Tory recruits
joined only out of fear or intimidation.
Boyd’s Tories made their way toward Augusta, 200 South Carolina militia under
Colonel Andrew Pickens and 140 Georgia militia under Colonel John Dooley
pursued them. Though badly outnumbered, the little Patriot force hoped to
overtake Boyd’s 600 Tories. They counted on pluck and surprise to give them a
victory and prevent Boyd from joining Campbell’s British garrison at Augusta.
rebels attacked Boyd’s command as it was encamped at Kettle Creek, near
present-day Washington, Ga., on February 14, 1779. They caught the Tories by
surprise as they were killing cattle and grazing their horses. The battle took
only an hour; and the Tory camp was overrun. The Loyalists fled in panic,
leaving 20 dead, including Boyd himself, and 22 were captured. The rebels lost
seven killed and 15 wounded. Campbell, concerned about a possible rebel attack
on Augusta, withdrew his troops that same day and moved south toward Savannah.
by their badly needed victory at Kettle Creek, the rebels now planned a
counteroffensive in Georgia. Patriot General John Ashe, with 2,300 troops,
followed Campbell’s retreating army and reached Briar Creek, 60 miles south of
Augusta. The rebels hoped to reinforce Ashe there and enlarge their army to
8,000 men. Such a force could then drive the British back to Savannah and
possibly retake the city. The war could be reversed and Georgia liberated.
Campbell, a wary and aggressive commander, anticipated the rebel plan and
launched a bold counterattack of his own. From his base at Hudson’s Ferry, 15
miles south of Ashe, he sent a picked force of 900 men up the southern bank of
Briar Creek. The redcoats crossed upstream and hit Ashe’s camp from the rear,
trapping the rebel army in the angle of Briar Creek and the Savannah River.
army was completely surprised. With mounted patrols out and other units on
detached duty, he had only 800 men to meet the approaching British onslaught.
Most of his troops were untrained, inexperienced militia, poorly armed and
equipped. When the British attacked at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon on
March 3, 1779, the rebel battle line was just being formed.
a heroic resistance by Colonel Samuel Elbert’s 200 Georgia Continentals and
militia (who stood their ground until nearly all were killed, wounded or
captured) Ashe’s North Carolina militia broke and ran almost immediately,
fleeing in confusion into the Savannah swamp. A few swam the river and escaped.
Others drowned, or were captured or killed by the pursuing redcoats. Abandoning
his troops, Ashe fled across the river. He would later face charges of
incompetency and neglect.
Creek was the worst rebel disaster of the war in the South so far. One hundred
and fifty rebel soldiers died. Twenty-eight rebel officers and 200 enlisted men
were captured. Ashe lost seven field pieces, 1,000 small arms, ammunition,
equipment, supplies and baggage. British losses were five killed and 11
Savannah, royal governor Sir James Wright formally reestablished British
control in July, while a fledgling Patriot government in exile tried to carry
on in Augusta. With the exception of the back country, where skirmishes between
Patriots and Tories continued, Georgia was firmly in British hands.
Patriot hopes had to look to another source: the rebel alliance with France,
signed in February 1778.
the summer of 1779, French Admiral Count Charles-Hector Theodat d’Estaing
captured St. Vincent and Grenada in the British West Indies, tipping the
balance there in favor of French naval superiority. D’Estaing’s powerful fleet
was available for a joint operation with the Americans. The count soon received
a flurry of letters from French diplomats and Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln,
Continental commander in the South, urging him to bring his fleet northward for
a campaign against Savannah.
was enthusiastic about the proposal. The 50-year-old aristocrat was eager to
make up for a failed allied operation against Newport, R.I., that had to be
aborted the previous year because of poor cooperation and poor weather.
count arrived off the Georgia coast on September 1 with 37 ships, including 22
ships of the line, and 4,000 troops detached from duty in the West Indies. The
formidable French fleet surprised and captured several British vessels near the
mouth of the Savannah River.
fleet anchored off Savannah Bar as the British ships withdrew upriver. The
small garrison at Fort Tybee, on Great Tybee Island, guarding the entrance to
the river, fired on the French ships with their two guns without effect. That
night a French detachment occupied the fort, which they found abandoned.
September 12, a vanguard of 1,200 French troops landed unopposed at Beaulieu
beach on Ossabaw Sound, a few miles south of Savannah. The bulk of the French
army disembarked, and a camp was established three miles from the city.
September 16, d’Estaing arrogantly sent a formal demand to the British General
Augustine Prevost that he surrender Savannah “to the arms of his Majesty the
King of France.” He reminded Prevost that he had captured Grenada with a far
smaller force, and he held Prevost “personally answerable” for what might
happen should siege operations drag on.
the Americans’ chagrin, d’Estaing added, “I have not been able to refuse the
Army of the United States uniting itself with that of the King. The junction
will probably be effected this day. If I have not an answer therefore
immediately, you must confer in future with General Lincoln and me.”
asked for a 24-hour truce to allow him to confer with civil authorities in
Savannah; and d’Estaing foolishly agreed to his request. He could have captured
Savannah by direct assault, since the British garrison was unprepared for an
attack. Instead, he allowed Prevost to stall for time and strengthen the town’s
defenses. The allies would regret losing their best opportunity to take Savannah.
was a veteran of many years’ service in the British army. The Swiss-born
officer had been wounded at Fontenoy in 1745. At the capture of Quebec from the
French in 1759, he received a wound which had left a circular scar on his
temple and led to his being nicknamed “Old Bullet Head.” He complained of poor
health and was not regarded as an aggressive commander. Colonel Campbell wrote
that “Prevost seems a worthy man, but too old and inactive for this service.”
Bullet Head used the delay wrested from d’Estaing to put soldiers, townspeople
and several hundred black slaves to work around the clock to finish the city’s
fortifications. He also sent an urgent message to Lt. Col. John Maitland to
bring his 800 troops down from Beaufort, S.C., to reinforce the Savannah
commander of the Highland 71st Regiment, was from a distinguished Scottish
family. The resourceful 47-year-old veteran, who had lost his right hand in
combat at Lagos Bay in 1759, was respected both by his own men and by the
had contracted a fever (in fact, he had just a little over a month to live);
yet he force-marched his men to the Savannah River. With the help of black
fishermen as guides, he crossed upriver from Savannah, and he and his reinforcements
arrived in the besieged town on September 17. With Maitland’s troops in place
and his defenses strengthened, Prevost finally sent his reply to d’Estaing: No
Lincoln and his Continental officers were upset that the count had moved on
Savannah without them, as if the operation were purely a French exercise. They
feared d’Estaing might take the town and hold it for the French king—fear that
did not bode well for cooperation between the allied armies.
joined d’Estaing on September 23. His 3,000 troops included Georgia and South
Carolina Continentals and militia. With d’Estaing’s 4,000 French regulars, the
allies now had 7,000 men with which to take Savannah. Opposing them in the town
were 2,500 British and Loyalist troops under Prevost.
Benjamin Lincoln—a New Englander who neither drank nor cursed—was a patient and
cautious commander. D’Estaing seemed unimpressed by him, describing him as a
brave man but “extremely indifferent” with “no opinion of his own.” The count
was astounded at the phlegmatic Lincoln’s habit of falling asleep in his chair,
even when dictating correspondence.
French had a low opinion of the Americans. Baron Curt von Stedingk, a Swedish
officer in the French army, wrote that the rebels were “so badly armed, so
badly clothed, and I must say so badly commanded, that we could never turn them
to much account.” The American militia, d’Estaing wrote, would run or take
cover “just because some cannon balls came close.” A grenadier captain wrote
that the militia “are supposedly quite good, at least they say they are.”
Higher marks were given to the Continental regulars, who, according to another
officer, “conducted themselves in a superior manner at all times.”
cuisine also failed to impress the count. D’Estaing complained of the meager
fare at Lincoln’s table, “a massive cake of rice and corn cooked under the
ashes of an iron platter” and “a mixture of sugar, water, and fermented
molasses which makes up the Nectar the Americans call grog.”
plagued the allies. Lack of horses and artillery carriages prevented them from
landing heavy artillery, which was not in place until October 4. Siege
entrenchments were begun on September 24, but progress was slow, and the
British exploited every opportunity to disrupt the work. British sorties
against the siege lines on September 24 and September 27 confounded the allies.
The second sortie provoked an accidental exchange of fire in the darkness
between French and American troops; and several soldiers were killed.
the night of October 1, the rebels prevented a detachment of 111 British troops
from reaching Savannah. The British, under Captain French, had camped on the
Ogeechee River. Colonel John White, a Georgia Continental, with only two officers,
a sergeant and three privates, tricked French into thinking that the camp was
surrounded by a larger force by lighting fires in the woods around the camp, as
if a whole army was bivouacked there; White demanded the detachment surrender,
and the whole British command was taken prisoner.
midnight on October 3, French artillery opened fire on Savannah. But according
to one officer, “The cannoneers being still under the influence of rum, their excitement
did not allow them to direct their pieces with proper care.” On October 4, 53
heavy cannon and 14 mortars began a five-day bombardment of the town.
bombardment failed to crack the defenses but caused considerable damage inside
the town. An American officer wrote, “The poor women and children have suffered
beyond description. A number of them in Savannah have already been put to death
by our bombs and cannon.” One of Prevost’s aides commented, “Many poor
creatures were killed trying to get to their cellars, or hide themselves under
the bluff of the Savannah River.”
Chief Justice Anthony Stokes described one night of the shelling and its
effects: “At five I was awakened with a very heavy cannonade from a French
frigate to the north of the town, and with a bombardment which soon hurried me
out of bed; and before I could get my clothes on, an eighteen-pounder entered
the house, stuck in the middle partition, and drove the plastering all
about....Whilst we were in the cellar, two shells burst not far from the door,
and many others fell in the neighborhood all around us. In this situation a
number of us continued in a damp cellar, until the cannonade and bombardment
almost ceased, for the French to cool their artillery; and then we ascended to
October 6, Prevost asked that the women and children be allowed to leave
Savannah and take refuge in the ships anchored in the river. D’Estaing and
Lincoln refused, fearing another delaying tactic.
was running out for d’Estaing. A month had been spent in front of Savannah, and
the British position seemed no weaker than when operations had begun. The
admiral had other worries as well. Hurricanes were a serious concern. And, if a
British naval force should suddenly appear, d’Estaing might be cut off from his
supply base in the West Indies.
on board the ships anchored off the coast were described by a French naval
officer, who wrote: “The navy is suffering everything, anchored on an open
coast and liable to be driven ashore by the southeast winds. Seven of our ships
have been injured in their rudders, several have lost their anchors, and most
of them have been greatly endamaged in their rigging. The scurvy rages with
such severity that we throw daily into the sea about thirty-five men....The
bread which we possessed, having been two years in store, was so much decayed
and worm-eaten, and was so disagreeable to the taste, that even the domestic
animals on board would not eat it.”
the morning of October 8, Major Pierce Charles L’Enfant, future architect of
Washington, D.C., with a handful of troops, tried to set fire to the abatis of
felled trees in front of the British lines; but the wood was too damp and did
not catch fire. D’Estaing’s engineers told him they would need at least 10 more
days before they could penetrate the British works.
count decided that the only option left was a direct assault on the town.
Otherwise, the siege must be lifted. He proposed a predawn assault on October
9. Lincoln agreed; and the allies prepared for one of the bloodiest attacks in
the war.
hoped to exploit a weak point in Savannah’s defenses. Although the town was
protected on the north by the Savannah River and shielded on the west by a
wooded swamp, a narrow depression along the edge of the swamp afforded a way
for the allies to move their troops near the British defenses under cover of
night before launching the attack. The allies decided to use this approach
route to strike the enemy’s right flank.
knew of the terrain west of town, however, and anticipated an attack there. A
rebel deserter warned him of the allied plans, so “Old Bullet Head”
strengthened his defenses on his right flank and put the skillful Maitland in
command there.
forts or redoubts protected the British right flank. The most exposed one,
Spring Hill Redoubt, was defended by South Carolina Loyalist troops led by
Captain Thomas Tawse and the vengeful Lt. Col. Thomas Brown, who once had been
tarred and feathered by Georgia rebels. The other redoubts on the right also
were held by Loyalist troops. Thus, the bloodiest part of the battle would pit
Americans against Americans.
on the British right, Prevost had placed a naval battery of 9-pounders near the
river. Another naval battery lay to the east of the Spring Hill Redoubt,
supported by British marines and grenadiers of the 16th Foot, to be used to
reinforce the redoubt if the allies attacked there.
allied plan called for a vanguard of 250 French grenadiers to rush the Spring
Hill Redoubt, while two strong French assault columns, led by d’Estaing himself
and by Colonel Stedingk, attacked the other two forts on the British right. Two
American assault columns, under Colonel John Laurens and Brig. Gen. Lachlan
McIntosh, would support the French.
French planned diversionary attacks west of the town near the river and from
their trenches near the British center. Brigadier General Isaac Huger, with 500
South Carolina and Georgia militia, would conduct a feint east of the town.
3,500 assault troops were drafted for temporary duty from regiments garrisoning
the island colonies in the West Indies: Martinique, Guadeloupe and St.
Dominique. They included several hundred free black troops, among them young Henri
Christophe, future dictator of Haiti. Formed into provisional units at
Savannah, the troops and their officers had never served together before in
combat. Now they were to carry out a difficult assault against a forewarned
enemy. So far, nearly everything else had gone wrong.
doomed the allied plan. Volunteers who were to guide the troops through the
treacherous swamp in the darkness proved unreliable. A French officer wrote
that his guide “did not know the road and at the first musket shot disappeared.”
Assault forces were not in position until after daybreak and lost the advantage
of the pre-dawn surprise attack.
D’Estaing confessed to having a “very poor opinion of this attack.”
to begin the attack, French assault troops waited at the edge of the swamp.
From the direction of the Spring Hill Redoubt 500 yards away the eerie wail of
Scottish bagpipes drifted toward them through the heavy pre-dawn fog. This
“most sad and most remarkable” music, d’Estaing wrote, made “a very great impression”
on the French soldiers; it was as if the enemy “wanted us to know their best
troops were waiting for us.”
about 5:30, d’Estaing’s troops heard firing from the British lines and realized
the diversionary attack by their troops in front of the enemy center had
finally begun. A few minutes later, British sentries spotted the assault troops
and fired several rounds. Not all the allied troops were in place yet.
allied diversionary attacks failed. D’Estaing and Lincoln would have to carry
the Spring Hill Redoubt with no support. D’Estaing considered canceling the
attack, but his pride prevented him from showing hesitation in front of the
Americans. “My indecision,” he said, “would have made me a laughingstock.” He
ordered the attack to commence.
forward with a cry of “Vive le Roi!” the French vanguard advanced on Spring
Hill Redoubt at the double quick. The British and Loyalist troops in the fort
opened up on them with a vicious cross-fire of muskets and cannons. The
white-coated grenadiers cleared the abatis in front of the fort; then in the
smoke and fog and under heavy fire, they thrust their way up the parapet. But
the supporting French column was slow in following them. By the time they
arrived to reinforce the vanguard, enemy fire had driven the grenadiers back.
his troops forward, d’Estaing was wounded in the arm just before he reached the
redoubt. The fighting became intense. The attackers were sprayed with musket
fire and grapeshot—pieces of scrap iron, nails, bolts, steel blades, and chain.
Fire also came from a British galley in the river. A British soldier at one of
the guns said, “Believe me, I never was happier in my Life than upon this
troops were thrown back on the second French assault column led by Stedingk.
The columns became entangled, lost formation, and were cast into “utter
confusion,” as one French officer wrote. Stedingk’s column was shoved back into
the swampy ground on the French left, where more than half were killed or left
“stuck fast in the mud.” “Those who lost only their shoes,” another officer
said, “were the most fortunate.”
urged his troops forward, crying, “Advance, my brave grenadiers, kill the
wretches” while British and Loyalist troops from the redoubt bellowed, “Kill
the rascal French dogs,” and “God save the King!”
a moment the sheer fury and determination of the French attack nearly
overwhelmed the defenders, and the French managed to raise their flag over the
parapet. Stedingk later wrote: “My doubts were all gone. I believed the day was
our own.”
the defenders were determined, too. Despite three brave assaults on the fort,
the French could not stand up to their firepower, and d’Estaing reluctantly
ordered a retreat. As the French fell back, British troops rose up from the
parapet and delivered a point-blank volley. D’Estaing was wounded for a second
time, in the thigh, and was nearly left for dead.
light infantry under John Laurens, former aide to General George Washington,
now arrived, and then the second column under Lachlan McIntosh, whose wife and
children were in Savannah. McIntosh already had weathered a political storm
after killing his rival, Button Gwinnett, in a duel.
Patriots arrived near the Spring Hill Redoubt at the height of the battle’s
confusion, as the wounded d’Estaing tried to re-form his troops. McIntosh’s
troops, thrust far to the left in the swamp, were exposed to British naval fire
from the river, as well as heavy grapeshot from the fort. Major John Jones, the
General’s aide, was within paces of an enemy cannon embrasure when he was cut
in two by a cannon shot. McIntosh was driven back under heavy enemy fire in the
allied retreat.
of the 2nd South Carolina, led by the future partisan hero Francis Marion,
succeeded in reaching the redoubt; in brutal hand-to-hand combat on the parapet
Captain Tawse, the Loyalist commander, died after striking down three of the
attackers with his sword.
William Jasper placed the 2nd South Carolina’s colors on the ramparts but was
shot down. Jasper already was a hero because of his actions in 1776 at Fort
Sullivan near Charleston, where he raised his regiment’s flag in defiance of
the British naval assault. Now, as he lay dying, he passed the colors to
Lieutenant John Bush, who also fell.
fighting raged for control of the parapet, Maitland committed his reserves.
British marines and grenadiers launched a devastating bayonet charge that drove
the attackers back from the ramparts and into the ditch below. Allied assault
troops, helpless and exposed to deadly musket and artillery cross-fire, were
butchered in the ditch. “The moment of retreat,” Stedingk wrote, “with the
cries of our dying comrades piercing my heart was the bitterest of my life.” A
British officer described the scene: “Their assault was a furious as ever I
saw; The Ditch was choke full of their Dead.”
daylight now revealed dead and dying French and American soldiers, many of them
impaled on the abatis, for 50 yards in front of the ditch. Mangled grapeshot
victims littered the field for 100 yards beyond. At the sight of them, John
Laurens threw down his sword in disgust.
the desperate allied gamble played itself out in the bloody ditch in front of
Spring Hill, Brig. Gen. Kazimierz Pulaski, with the rebel cavalry, led a bold
but reckless attempt to breach the British lines between the redoubts. Riding
at the head of his 200 horsemen, Pulaski reached the abatis but was struck down
by enemy canister fire. Exposed to deadly fire and demoralized by the loss of
Pulaski, the allied cavalry withdrew in confusion. The attempt to capture
Savannah was over.
contest lasted less than an hour. When it was apparent even to d’Estaing and
Lincoln that it was useless to continue, they withdrew their devastated troops
and counted losses.
two sides observed a four-hour truce to collect and bury the dead and to
retrieve the wounded. The French listed 151 killed and 370 wounded, while the
Patriots lost 231 killed and wounded, nearly all Continentals. British losses
were only 18 killed and 39 wounded. For the allies, Savannah was the bloodiest
battle of the war, a Bunker Hill in reverse.
more, d’Estaing fell back on siege operations. But his officers warned him that
further delay in the face of possible hurricanes off the Georgia coast might
jeopardize the fleet.
between the allies soon set in. A French naval lieutenant described the
Savannah operation as an “ill-conceived enterprise without anything in it for
France,” while a young French artillery officer blamed the Patriots for the
defeat at Spring Hill Redoubt. The “rout began with the rebels,” he wrote,
“they took flight a crowd leaving church.” D’Estaing blamed
Lincoln, saying the rebels “promised much and delivered little.” Lincoln
criticized the count for not taking Savannah when he first had the chance.
Lincoln’s objections, d’Estaing reluctantly prepared to pull out. He marched
his troops back to the French ships, loaded his guns and equipment aboard, and
set sail for France, dispatching some of the ships to the West Indies.
of his officers described d’Estaing as “A true grenadier in this affair but a
poor general....It is not the fault of the troops that Savannah was not taken,
but rather of those who commanded us.” The count, who wrote both prose and
poetry, was intelligent, courageous and bold. He also was arrogant, ambitious
and, in the words of another officer, “covetous of glory.” Before being
executed in 1794 during the French Revolution, he said, “When you cut off my
head, send it to the English, they will pay you well for it!”
siege was over. On October 19, the last of Lincoln’s weary and disillusioned
rebel troops withdrew to Charleston.
the old Scottish warrior who worked so hard to defend Savannah, died on October
26. Three days later, Governor Wright proclaimed a day of thanksgiving for the
British victory.
golden opportunity to retake Savannah and alter the course of the war had been
lost. Two more devastating defeats for the Patriots lay ahead. On May 12, 1780,
British forces captured Lincoln’s entire army of 5,400 at Charleston; and on
August 16, 1780, General Horatio Gates’ entire American army of 3,000 was
destroyed at Camden, S.C. Georgia remained in British hands until the end of
the war; and Savannah was not reoccupied by the Patriots until the British
withdrew in 1782.
years after the Allied debacle at Savannah, a fresh opportunity for a
Franco-American operation presented itself. General George Washington’s
Continentals, in cooperation with French regulars under Count Rochambeau and
the French fleet under Admiral DeGrasse, besieged General Charles Cornwallis’
British army at Yorktown, Va. This time there were more favorable battle
conditions, better coordination, and wiser command decisions. On October 19,
1781, exactly two years after the rebel withdrawal from Savannah, Yorktown’s
8,000-man British garrison surrendered. Benjamin Lincoln was given the honor of
accepting the defeated British general’s sword.
defeat at Yorktown prompted Britain to open peace talks with the American
rebels, and in early 1783 the Treaty of Paris recognized the United States as an
independent nation.
Thomas G. Rodgers teaches history at Gilmer High School in Ellijay,
Ga., at Reinhart College in Waleska, Ga., and at Truett-McConnell College,
Epworth, Ga. He is the author of a number of articles on American military
history. For further reading: Alexander A. Lawrence’s Storm Over Savannah; or Henry Lumpkin’s Savannah
to Yorktown: The American Revolution in the South.