Historical Documents


We have added some more copies and links to primary documents, so it made sense to gather them onto one page, rather than taking up space over in the Table of Contents frame.  The newest document we have added are the excerpts from the Georgia Executive Council minutes.   We hope this is a valuable research aid for you, and we ask only that you give credit to the original sources where noted. 


Terry Oglesby, Adjutant

April 6, 2001


The Drill of 1764


18th Century Slang


The Articles of War


Georgia Constitution of 1777


The Militia Act of 1778 (added 6/14/01)


Extracts From the Minutes of the Georgia Executive Council (added 4/6/01)


The American Colonists’ Library (added 4/24 /01)  This is a huge list of primary source documents available online.  A few dead links, but overall a real treasure trove of general information.



Last Updated 6/14/01


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